Monday, April 14, 2008

We went on a QUEST!

When Jacob was little he always called adventures by a special name "beeventures". Don't ask me why but he kept it up for years. Now when we are going to go do something I immediately think that we are going on a beeventure. Yesterday we did.

For those of you who have not picked up on our whining...the weather has been terrible. For cryin' out loud it keeps SNOWING!!!! It's supposed to be in the 60's all week. I bet it still could find a way to snow. Will just told me I sound a little bitter, I AM. Not really, but it is frustrating. I have so much to do and warm weather is pretty much required. Warm for me is anything above 50.

Yesterday was still yucky. Warmer and the sun was shining. but still cold enough that working outside was not high on our list. So we decided that it was a perfect day to do something with the kids. I am all about "making memories" this year. Too many people have died lately for me not to get the hint and realize how precious my family and friends are. It has especially been "brought home" for Will and I that our children are getting older and will not be around and underfoot as much anymore. Even now, Jake will decide to stay at home or do something with his friends instead of us. That is a good thing because he is showing his independence, but it is also hard to see my baby grow up.

So last year at a silent auction, I bought almost $800 worth of tickets for attractions at Wisconsin Dells. I got all of them for like $72. What a deal! There are 4 passes each to the attractions. I looked through them Saturday morning and Will and I decided to take the kids to one of the indoor attractions and beat the summer crowds. We were going to suprise the kids and just take them after church. Then Jake started telling us the plans that he had and the suprise was over. We told them what we had planned and he changed his plans right away.
Then his cousin called and asked him to stay the night. He decided to do that, but still wanted to come with us.

So we went to church and had a great time. Bill "speachified" a great, great lesson. I had been bugging him about a third part to the two that he had already spoken in a series. He graciously (or possibly out of self-preservation) answered my request with a follow up to my questions. I cannot say that his answers to my questions were a suprise, but that does not make them any easier to do. Kind of like cooking..... you want the directions to be as easy as heating a hotdog in the microwave and what you end up with is cooking a 7 course meal. The meal tastes so much better and is more filling, but the hotdog sure would have been easier. If you get a chance listen to the "false gospels series" at it will be worth it.

Well, then we ran around getting Jacob, getting gas, getting pain killers ( another story for another day) and then finally left for Wisconsin Dells. We headed straight for Cr*ck*r B*arrel. We had good food and a great time, although Jake was pretty tired because the boys did not sleep all night because they were playing video games. So he was pretty wiped, but we still had a good time.

Then we headed for this place called Wizard Qu*est. We had a great time. They give you these questions and send you on a quest for the answers in the four realms; wind, air, earth and fire. Let's just say we had a good time, but we are not brilliant. You have to find hidden rooms, hidden clues, ride down slides, climb through tunnels etc. It was fun but we were not quick enough to make the 90 minute deadline. Next time we'll whoop it though. When we were done we took a walk up the main drag of downtown Wisconsin Dells. I haven't done that since I was about 8. Will and the kids have not even been downtown that I know of. We topped it all off with a walk along part of the bluff that overlooks the river. They have made a scenic walk there that I would love to come back and walk down when the fall color is around.

All in all it was a lovely day. I enjoyed it very much. We plan on trying out the unlimited miniture golf tickets next month. Then there are passes to 4 different boat rides for the river which has very beautiful rock "bluff" sides on it. I also have passes to 2 or 3 adventure amusement parks and one amusement/water park, as well as to a water skiing show and robot exploratory. They are good for 2008, so we are going to get in some fun as well as work.

Saturday at work the florist delivered beautiful flowers for Will and I from Mom and Dad Donaldson. They are wonderful! There are peach roses, yellow tulips, deep wine colored snapdragons and my favorites purple iris's among others. It was a huge suprise and I was the envy of every woman there. Of course all the men just groaned when they saw them, because they thought they were from my hubby. Guilt....they all know that Will treats me better than they treat their wives and they know that I spoil Will rotten which makes them jealous. I rub it in quite often when they are complaining about their spouses and I tell them about mine. What a grin! Of course Will and I have been together for 18 years now and most of them have to add up all their multiple marriages to get that many years. I think Will and I to them are kind of something they don't quite understand, but the real secret is that we made our vows to God, before we made them to each other. That puts a whole different spin on things.

Well, time to get kids ready for school and then head off to save the world from "mail" again. Hope you all have a blessed day!

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