Monday, September 05, 2005

You will never believe what Will is doing...

Today is Labor Day...So Will is laboring and I am praying. He and our friend Seth (and probably a few others) are nailing new shingles to our church's "steeple". I stay at home where I cannot watch and pray for their safety. It is many, many feet in the air and they have scaffolding all around it. I am really very proud of the man that he has become. How he can find the courage to get up on that roof is beyond me.
My parents are down watching "Chuck Wagon" races in Iowa with my Great Aunt and Uncle. They really are the covered wagon, chuck wagons. I hope they are having a great time.
My sister and her hubby are down visiting my brother and his family in Tenn. I hope they are
having a great time too. My little sister is around here somewhere, but she manages to live in different hours than I do. She is usually just going to bed when I am waking up.
Will and I had my Aunt Carrie and our good friends Peggy and Amanda over for a Labor Day cook out lunch. Aunt Carrie works at night, so we had it around 1:00 or so. Grilled chicken, fresh sweet corn, potato salad, garlic bread and cherry cobbler still warm from the oven. We ate on a picnic table under a shade tree in the back yard. It was wonderful.
We also learned one important fact.....if you make our son Jacob laugh while he is drinking sweet tea, it comes out his nose. Poor kid......I don't know who laughed more at his demonstration, us or him. He seemed quite pleased with himself. Like he had discovered a new talent or something.
I have been working in the Cranfest building on cleaning up the old so that we can bring in the new. We have a button contest each year to design a button for each Cranfest. This is our 33rd year, so there are 33 different buttons. Well, they order many, many of them because it is cheaper. They had over 1000 left over from each year. That meant that there were OVER 33,000 buttons stored in the back room. We decided to keep only 250 of each year so the old ones had to go. I and our President went in and got rid of them with the help of others before they could change their mind.
Today is our last day of calm before the storm. We are 15 days or so out from when the town fills up. That means that for the next 15 days Will and the kids are pretty much on their own. They don't really mind though. I think they look at it as a vacation from me. I will have my hubby post some pictures so you can see the change in Warrens.
The weather has been wonderful lately. Sunny and 70's during the days with 50's at night. Good sleeping weather and great daytime weather. Will's allergies have kicked in as usual this time of year. We have figured out that it is something to do with the grass and grass seed that happens this time of year. He is miserable after mowing. Jacob had to do it this time. Jacob loved it and Will hated it. My hubby loves to mow the lawn. He just gets out there and bugs around on a toy. Makes him happy and this time he had to share. The poor thing.
Well, time to get the kids fed and showered. Will has band practice after his shingle project tonight. I won't see him until after 9:00 pm. Then he heads out to work tomorrow morning by 5:00 am. Don't feel sorry for him though.... he hasn't worked since last Thursday and after tomorrow he doesn't go back to work until Friday. Those 12 hour days are long, but he gets lots of days off to compensate.
God Bless.

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