Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Where were you one year ago?

Do you remember where you were one year ago today? I do. Well actually, it was one year ago tomorrow, but I might not get a chance to blog about it then. One year ago, I almost severed my left thumb from the joint out. I still do not know how it happened, but I do know that it happened quick and was not planned. One minute I was chopping kindling and the next minute I was holding my thumb on. Quite an experience.
The greater experience though was the miracle that my thumb became. You see, it hurt only for about 10 minutes that day and just a couple of minutes one other day. Other than that, unless I banged it, it never hurt. The most amazing part of it is that the Doctor just rolled it up back onto the thumb and stitched it back in place as best he could. He told me it would be ugly and he could not offer any hope that I would have feeling in it or a normal looking thumb nail. WELL........ we went to church that Sunday and had it prayed for and I went back to my normal life and figured if I could at least still play the piano some way, I would be fine. I'm am fine! I'm better than fine. You cannot even tell that I ever even hurt it unless you look very, very closely at it. The scar for the most part cannot be seen. The nail bed is fine and normal. You can still see where the stitches went through the nail if you look close, but other than that it looks normal. The best part is that I have fully functioning nerves and can still play piano. I am so blessed. God took a stupid accident on my part and turned it into a thing a joy and wonder.
What a mighty God we serve!
The weather still is staying in the 30's each day and we are enjoying it. Will is down being a blessing to others tonight doing the monthly concert at the Veteran's Hospital. Jacob had a black history field trip to Madison today. Jessalyn is getting work done on her invention fair project. I had another great day on my new mail route.
We have another funny thing happening around here. The neighbors have a new dog. He is some type of critter that looks like a black "taco bell" dog but taller. He keeps coming over barking at us in our own yard, but his tail is wagging. I started to run at him to chase him home the other day and he ran home so fast that his behind made it home sooner than his head did. What a funny dog. He is really bugging Will and so I enjoy him more just for that. I'm terrible I know, but you laugh where you can.
Have a blessed day. Tomorrow we make quilts and bags for elderly people's walkers. I am looking forward to the sewing group getting together.


Rachel Hauck said...

Good post, Dea. :) Rachel

Rachel Hauck said...

P.S. What other blog? :) Rachel