Tuesday, January 30, 2007

We're all "Linked"!

In my sidebar you will find some "links". The most prolific and most updated would be the Link to my Sister-in-the-Lord Rachel Hauck. She writes Christian "chic lit". (For those of us who might not understand, I don't mean the chewing gum.) She has a heart for the Lord that is easy to perceive, especially when you read how and what she writes.
Her Husband is also quite the extraordinary man of God, though I have not met him yet, he occasionally will guest write on her site with scriptural insights. He's pretty good at pointing out the things we often miss. I haven't seen Rachel in way too many years but I feel I still know who she is by the way she writes. I have never met her husband but from what he has written I would like to.
Rachel herself has just recently posted to her site about the things we do and say that are unique to us and people will recognize as being "Will-like" or "Rachel-like" or (and of course you knew this was coming:) Christ-like. All too often we don't recognize how even the very little things we do can leave an impact on someone. They may not even realize that it was you that made that impact; Or we can leave an impact on someone we haven't even met.

You will find another link to Claire Frosts webpage (also in my sidebar). She also has a heart after God. It's amazing how that can stick out and draw us to it like a moth to a flame. Drawn to the Father and Drawn to those who feel the same pull we do. Claire has an infectious enthusiasm that has a dramatic effect on those around her. Having been drawn to her husband Seth by his Heart for God, she has "Ruth-like" left her home and friends in Australia to live here in the cold of Wisconsin. Through Claire, those of us who are blessed to know her, we get to see our own lives with new eyes.
We get to see the pleasures we either take for granted or have forgotten to take at all. We also get to see how serious we take the things we probably shouldn't. Spend time with Claire and you will learn to smile at yourself.
Claire's site has a side bar with links on it as well. If you have noticed my guestbook and commentator on the right, she (her site) is where I got the idea from. Only, hers is blue and she has a different name for it that might shed some light into her personality: "My beautiful blue buzzing babble box". C'mon! with a name like that you HAVE to try it right? (As opposed to my dry "commentator" title) Well, with her links page and through her babble box I have become aware of Naomi or "Nomes" as she is sometimes called. The way of her comments intrigued me, so I visited her sites. Naomi seems to possess both a Christian maturity and an appreciation for this life. As if she understands the part about when God was done with creation He saw "...that it was Good". Too many of us Christians are looking to the next life so much we have overlooked this one. Or worse, we look on this one as to be endured as opposed to actually "living it". The apostle Paul -while under house arrest- acknowledged that to "...live is Christ and to die is gain". Certainly heaven is a far better place, but this life can be fun too when you are living for Jesus.
Anyway, Below you will find some of Naomi's artwork, to find more just click here. It's well worth the trip! You will find links for her pages on Claires site as well or you can copy and paste: http://naomisartwork.blogspot.com/ Let me know what YOU think!
May the Lord Bless you and keep you and Give You Peace!

1 comment:

Rachel Hauck said...


It has been too many years since we've seen each other!

Thanks for the post. And wow, you really closed the circle about being Christ-like! Excellent point.

Love you, bro!
