Monday, February 19, 2007

Here a meter, there a meter part two!

I just wanted to add my two cents worth here. We had to leave go out again after church yesterday to try to finish reading all the electrical meters that our on the list. Not the way I wanted to spend my Sunday, but we have a commitment to keep. It actually has been a lot of fun! It IS work, don't get me wrong but with Deanna beside me playing navigator and just generally being "cute" we have really had a good time together. Who ever it is who decides just exactly where to put these meters must be some kind of practical joker though! We found one yesterday that is at least 100 yards (meters) from anything man made. It was sitting on a little post sticking up from the ground about 3 feet (again, a meter); In the middle of the woods! I mean there is no way to get to this thing except to walk it, and it obviously isn't powering anything. It also appears to have been there for a while too. I was glad that Dave and Dottie had been able to clue us in as to where to look! Whew!
There was another that was on a pole in a Ditch. You had to hang on to the pole to keep from falling in. I bet the guy who put that there is still laughing!
We have been Driving Dave and Dottie's little 4X4 down some pretty skinny, snow covered trails that seemed to go on for miles. (because they do!) I thank the Lord for their little car. IT has taken us everywhere we've asked it too and let us have fun doing it.
Well, I have to go to my other job now but may the Lord continue to Bless You and Fill You with ALL the Fruits and Gifts of His Holy Spirit!

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