Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Work, Rest; Repeat. And Better Mouse Traps: Phooey!

This last Weekend was my Weekend to Work. For those of you that don't know, I kind of have a weird schedule. I work from 6am until 6:30pm on a schedule of days that look like this: Work :Monday, Tuesday. Off: Wednesday, Thursday. Work: Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Then I would be "Off" on Monday and Tuesday etc.
I try to maintain a "Sabbath" day but as you can guess it isn't really strict as to what day that may be. I know my body and my Soul need it, so I try to provide it. The Mondays that I don't work are the best. I am usually so physically "wiped out" from the previous weekend, that most everyone is willing to let me rest for that day.

Yesterday was that day for me and I was suitably worthless the whole day. I did have a nice chat with my mom on the phone. I've been so busy that I haven't had much time to talk with them or anyone else for that matter. Dea went to work and the kids to school, so it was quiet and very nice. I played my guitar for a while but it wasn't bringing me the "peace" I had hoped for so I put it away.
That afternoon, when they all came home, they decided to go to town for haircuts and dinner but I begged off. I was also supposed to go to practice with the band I play with, but I didn't do that either. I kind of felt guilty about all of that ...but I got over it. The guilt came back for a moment or two when my family was nice enough to bring dinner home for me, but I was too busy eating to pay much attention.

Time warp to 6:20am this morning. I woke up in time to spend some time with Jacob as he waited outside for the bus. We talked a little about the snow. The poor guy had hand shoveled the snow away from the mail box just in time for the county snow plow to drive by and bury it again. As he started to dig it out again I decided to start up the old snow blower and help.

Fast forward to 10am this morning. Jacob was on the bus by 6:35am, Jessalyn by 7:10am, and Deanna left for work around 7:30am I think, but I am just now coming in from the snow blowing/shoveling.
I am still in my slippers for cryin' out loud!
I haven't even had coffee, never mind breakfast.
The most irritating thing (besides the fact that this was all MY idea)
is that after only 3 and half hours of work,
I am wore out and dog tired.
( I know this because Sam was out with me and he went right to bed)

I don't mind starting to look older,
but this starting to feel older really bites.
I used to sit down to watch television,
now I watch television just so I can sit down.

If you don't have an "easy chair" or a "Lazy boy" don't get one.
If you already have one, then you already know of the dangers.
There is a giant Alien suction machine that will latch hold of you and won't let you leave.
I would rather give up eating and drinking than fight with that "suction machine".
In fact, the only thing strong enough to beat the "Alien-suction -machine-easy-chair,-monster" is the need for the bathroom; but I have found I can fight that for a really long time too.

I digress.

So it's 10:30am or so and Deanna calls and reminds me we are supposed to have a "date" this afternoon. (OOPs!) She tells me we will talk about it later to see if we should still go. I tell her to call me. I get coffee. I get breakfast.

Fast forward (again) I was just setting my Phazor to "Maximum" in order to Kill the nasty Alien (who strangely resembled a chair) when the phone rings. HUH?
I reach under the couch I am sharing with Sam to find my cell phone.
The alien disappears with the rest of my dream as I hear Deanna ask if I want to still meet her in town for our date.
I asked her what time it was and she said: "Never mind."
I look at my watch and its after 1pm.
As I am trying to calculate how fast I can get showered, shaved, dressed and still have time to be in town my 2pm.
I groggily try to tell her I can still do it.
I know she knows she woke me up.
She says it wasn't important.
(a clear sign that it truly was important!)
I tell her it is, but again, she rejects my feeble attempts, tells me its OK, and is very Gracious and understanding as she hangs up.
I feel like a Clod.
More guilt.
And I can't hide under my shelter of "Sabbath"; that was yesterday.
I wonder if I go back to sleep would the Alien shoot me if I asked it? Probably not.
The Fiendish thing would probably force me to sit in that stupid chair...

We were supposed to go to this place that specializes in Ridiculously fantastic desserts.
We had a coupon and we thought we had the time.
As I am typing the above paragraph, she comes in the door bearing guess what?
Yup! a tray of desserts in "to go" boxes.
GREAT! More Guilt!
Of course that won't stop me from adding all those extra carbs and loads of fat to my body as fast as I can shovel it in! (I know saying that doesn't sound very manly but when you start to feel old you think about those things)

The point of all of this?
Well, it is simply to certify what a wonderful woman she is; in spite of the Clod her husband can be! (you figured that out on your own didn't you.)
I spend a lot of my time telling people how wonderful she is and how spoiled I am.
She truly does a wonderful job trying to be the Wife and Mother that the Scriptures suggest she should be and she leaves a high mark for me to attain as a husband.
She's not perfect mind you,
I'm pretty sure I couldn't handle it if she was, but I am awfully proud of her none the less and I am convinced there are a lot of wives that could stand to learn from her example (No I'm not stupid enough to give names!).
Just as I am convinced there are a lot of husbands that could learn from my mistakes.

As time passes I grow older but she grows more special.
Don't let anyone fool you into thinking marriage is a "fifty-fifty proposition" It isn't.
Sometimes it's 100% you and nothing them.
Lately it's been 100% Deanna and I want her to know that I know it and I don't mind letting all of you know it too.

OK, part two. This would be the "better mouse trap: Phooey!" part of the post.

I bought a new vacuum cleaner.
I hear by publicly ask for the Lords Blessing on the thing and give thanks for it.
This is no joke nor do I make my request lightly.
I have been going through vacuum cleaners like monkeys go through bananas.
It's been ridiculous.
Some of it I admit is because we really are hard on them.
With two cats, a Dog, and the hair and the chewed up bits of firewood and the stuff kids leave everywhere.
It certainly can be challenging to clean the carpet.
We have resorted to sweeping first to get the big bits and then vacuuming.
It Hasn't helped.
I bought a Bissel vacuum because their steam cleaners are so good.
Guess what. It was Junk. It died after a few months, right as my parents were coming up to visit.
We've been using my great big shop vac.
Not very handy that.
My folks while they were here were fantastic and bought us a brand new Dirt Devil Up right.
Both the Bissel and the Dirt Devil were of the bag less Swiss-army-knife type of vacuums.
The New Better Mouse Trap.

You've seen the television commercials for that Really Expensive vacuum that the designer came up with because he hated how bag less vacuums lose suction?
He's right, they do.
Then there is this @#%*! hose that attaches to the bottom so you can use it as a wand.
In order for that @#%! hose to fit, they bend it and fold it like origami.
This makes the hair and everything else become clogged in it.
I really wanted it to work because it was a gift from my parents so:
I worked with the Dirt Devil.
I modified the Dirt Devil.
I allowed it to start living up to it's name and it started tempting me to do very dark things.
Until it finally ceased to work at all.
The motor runs but that's it.
It no longer does anything else.
This is a good thing because it no longer tempts me.
(by the way part of the conversation with my Mom was to tell her of the vacuums demise and to offer my apologies. She too was very gracious)

After the last four vacuums (yes there were two before those)
I finally learned my lesson -I think-
There really isn't a better mouse trap.
It's just a better way to take your money.
I have the shop vac for when I need a hose.
Bags are cheap.

I have a friend who does commercial steam cleaning.
He connected me up with a commercial vacuum cleaner that is light and only does only one thing but does it well.
It vacuums carpet.
There are no hoses.
There are no attachments.
There is only one filter that needs cleaning occasionally (not every ten minutes).
It has a bag that is easy to change and supposedly will take many, many trips around my house before it needs to be changed
(as opposed to having to empty the "bag less" container every ten minutes),
and the bags only cost about .50 cents a bag.
I've only had it a couple of days.
I would appreciate your prayers.
If I have to buy another vacuum this year I just might snap.
Beware the salesman who says he has a better mouse trap!
Ecclesiastes 1:2 Psalm 135:1 (after the first one you might need the second)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You may be getting older but your ability as a writer is certainly improving with this blog.
I laughed at your day off post until my sides split.
P.S. This note shall also serve as proof to Dea that I am still alive and well but in my old age I cannot find the correct username and password to my own blog. I have used all the combinations that I can think of and NOTHING!
But old age does bring more persistance. Example...never mind...too much personal information involved with that answer. LMAO
Enjoy the day.