Friday, February 23, 2007

Quick type and run!

I'm just stopping in for a quick hello! Things are really busy here this morning. Today is the last day of decent weather we will have for awhile. It seems that after 2 days of temps over 50 degrees and 2 more in the high 40's, we are about to get a severe storm. Of course our friend Seth will be overjoyed because he has a contract to plow out all of these cell phone towers, but the rest of us are pretty much dreading the idea. I just read a weather watch report from NOAA and they say up to 12" or more with possibility of ice accumulation. The snow does not bother us much around here, but the ice can get kind of tricky. Although this is much better than what they had thought at the beginning of the week. Back then they said rain and were warning that it would cause the ice to break on the rivers and that would cause ice dams/jams and floods all over. This is much better!
Tonight I go to LaCrosse with my sister and Aunt before the storm gets here. I have that Governor's conference this next weekend and need to update my look (buy new clothes). Now that is a problem for me. I love to shop for my family, but I really, really hate to shop for myself. I have a hard time buying anything new for myself. I would much rather spend the money on Will or the kids. I am forcing myself to go and buy a new dress outfit for the banquet part of the conference. It is formal and they do it up right! Only problem is that I don't do dressy any more. There was a time when I had a closet full of dresses and "good clothes". Those days are gone. I don't use them for work or here at home. The only reason I have to dress up during the year are church and the occasional Cranfest function (around here dresses in the winter can be dangerous, "wind" you know. Not to mention FROST BITE)
This should be interesting. They both have fashion sense while I have common sense. It should be a hoot! I even have to wear makeup! Something I have not really done in years.. poor Will. Hair cut today. Color tomorrow. Clothes tonight. I'll be a whole new if I could lose a fourth of the weight that the "old woman" weighed, it would really be something!
Well I need to get Jacob on the bus and Jessa awake. Will is already gone to work. I'm half way through the house with my new cleaning system. Some days the 10 minutes in each room is wonderful and works great. Other days not so good. I just wish that I could get the kids to cooperate with my system. We're working on it though. I think I need a robot sweeper, robot mopper, robot duster and robot clothes know the kind that work all the time everyday doing the same thing so that you don't have to. What about a robot toilet cleaner? Now that would be a wonder!

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