Wednesday, May 07, 2008

No Garden yet.

It's ready to plant the stuff that I need to, but last night we had severe storms with possibility of large hail, so I decided to give it another day. Remember stupid things happen to me, so guess where the only hail would fall?

I'm still having a hard time taking the dog out by myself at night without being nervous. Something about meeting a bear and seeing how fast they can run. You can be sure that I will keep taking out my great big flash light!

Yesterday it was 84 degrees outside. Two weeks ago we had 4 inches of snow. Go figure. Spring in Wisconsin.

Jessalyn is still working on her project. She has at least 30 pages of printed information on Independence Hall. She's having a hard time keeping all the dates and people in order. I am serving as Secretary to help her keep organized. I think that it's going to be a long haul this weekend. She has grand plans, but I don't know how they will come together for her.

The kids delivered May baskets last Wednesday night at youth group. Do any of you remember May baskets? I guess that you used to make little baskets full of goodies and deliver them to your neighbors. Maybe you did that before you ran around the May pole? I know that my grandparents talked about May baskets, but I never really thought about it before.

As far as remodeling....well......ummm........maybe I start today? We have been working on different spring cleaning projects that need to get done before we can start to paint etc, but we are getting much closer. We are ready to start staining outside, now that the weather is warmer, but I think that this week and weekend will be devoted to cleaning out the living room, repainting and new carpet. That is if things don't change. We are supposed to go help at a work day at my Aunt Marj's house. Now that Uncle Lloyd is gone, we are all pulling together to help them get the farm ready for sale. It's listed, now we just need to get it ready.

Things are busy, but so much easier now that cold weather is gone. Also, I just counted the other day and there are only 142 days until Cranfest. Talk about a shock. I know it was just here. Life goes on.....

Have a great day!

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