Friday, May 02, 2008

Birthday dinner and all that stuff

We had an spur of the moment birthday dinner for Will last night. It was the first night that we had free since his birthday. I asked him what he wanted to eat and his answer was sooooo helpful, "YES". What a guy! It makes it easier when I ask Jacob. He is usually prepared with an answer that he has thought over. Jessalyn takes after her Dad.

I chose chicken with sauce (a family favorite). It's easy and tastes really, really good. He didn't have the traditional birthday cake though. I started making this new banana bar recipe that is kind of like banana pudding in bar shape. Everyone loves it, so that's what he got. He was happy.

We had our friends Bill and LInda over since they have just got home after spending the winter in Texas. Mom and Dad were invited, but Pop is sick so just Mom came. Peggy and Amanda came in and it was just a nice evening. No tv. Nothing but great conversation and food. It was nice.

Today the rain starts and is supposed to continue for the whole weekend last I heard. This means more problems for the local farmers who have yet to get their crops in the wet ground. Last year we had no rain and ended up losing quite a bit of corn etc and this year we are getting lots and lots of rain added to the wet ground from all of that snow. Corn, oat and wheat prices could be pretty pricey for awhile.

Will and I have decided to try to stock up on food etc this summer for the winter. I would love to get it all ready like you do when you live far away from civilization. It would be nice not to have to spend that much money for groceries all winter. I plan on canning lots of stuff. We'll see how we do as the summer progresses.

Well, time to get busy. I just wanted to let everyone know that we are alive and kicking.

Have a great day.

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