Sunday, May 25, 2008


Here is a challenge for you. Think of all of the things that you planned when you first graduated high school. Did you stick with those dreams? Have you accomplished any of those dreams?

Now think of the dreams that you have for your life now. I challenge you to do the following below and then either post them on your blog or email them back to Will and I.


List 10 things you want to accomplish before you die.

(My answers)

1) Finish all 4 books that I have started writing and any others that I have
roaming around in my head. They don't have to be published, they
just have to be done.

2) See both of my kids graduated and on their own. Seeing them happy
would be nice, but you know how life is.

3) Have a clean house every day all day. Probably will have to wait until
the kids are gone.

4) Own and run a restaurant. Does not seem to be coming together, but
I have ALWAYS wanted to do it.

5) Own a motorhome and travel more.

6) Complete my family tree back to the 1500's on all sides, including the
Donaldson sides etc. 8 Different sides. Can be done. What a blast!

7) Complete the 4 quilts that I have started.

8) Have my own craft room with everything in it's place and the time to
create anything and everything that I can think of. I love creating
and have no time for it now.

9) Sing in a new singing group with my Dad, my cousin Kris and my Uncle
Ken. This is hopefully going to happen starting next week. I LOVE TO

10) Finish my house completely and have it look like I dream it can
look. Have it be a home that people feel comfortable in and just
want to visit. That goes for the yard too.

Now list 10 places that you would like to visit before you die:

1) Alaska. I want to cruise and then overland tour Alaska as well as visit
cousins Stan and Terri and Greta and her hubby. Should probably
take about a month.

2) See the redwoods and Oregon, as well as genealogy in Washington

3) Gettysburg

4) I would like to travel to Maryland and New Hampshire and see where
Will's parents lived when they grew up.

5) Washington DC . I want to spend days at the Smithsonian.

6) The Grand Canyon

7) The place where my Mom and Dad spend the winters in Texas and
have them show us around.

8) Canada again for more genealogy.

9) A trip out west to Glacier National Park, Yellowstone etc. I want to
see it all. It could take a month (now you know why I want a motor-

10) I would like to go to Holland and see where Will lived.

Ok. There's my 10. What are yours?

There's another post about all of this and my meandering thoughts on Dea's corner as well as that recipe.

Have a great day!

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