Saturday, June 06, 2009

Amazing what you can do with a piece of string...

... okay, rope. Below you will find a video of the Kings Firecrackers. If anything could get both sides to give a standing ovation at a Army/Navy game it's these young ladies.

I was given some interesting information on them that I hope is correct: "...The Firecrackers are a team of elementary and junior high girls from Ohio. And they’ve taken jumping rope to the extreme. Their skills have made them a sensation at sporting events..."

"...The Firecrackers practice for two hours a day, five days a week. That’s on top of keeping their grades up. And each girl must pass an etiquette class to make the team. After watching this, you’ll see that they deserve every ovation they get."

I have to say I agree! The video is a little fuzzy and pixilated so I would not go to full screen but maybe that will work for you. I just wish they could bottle that energy! (the talent and skill in a bottle wouldn't be bad either!)


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