Sunday, June 14, 2009

What an awesome day!

Our church held it's first Biker Potluck today. We had some new friends visit us from out of state last year and I guess they enjoyed it and wanted to come back. They brought some other great folks with them and we had a party! They all rode their motorcycles. It was a blast. Great worship service, sermon and then food. We cooked burgers and hot dogs on the grill and everyone brought a dish or two to pass. Of course there was too much food, but we all did our best to eat it.

The weather was beautiful if a little on the warm side. I think we got up into the low 80's but it was fun. We had lots of ice and lots of tea and lemonade. I think that we are already planning a "Second Annual Biker Potluck". I'm looking forward to it.

On a different note, Will is possibly planning on plowing my garden tomorrow. My plants are getting root bound in the sun room waiting. In our defence, we've been really, really busy.

The kids are getting excited about going to Lifest now. They are starting to think about what they need to pack. It will be a great experience for them, I pray. Many of their favorite Christian bands will be there. They will be gone from the 8th-12th
of July. Then after they come home on the 12th we hopefully will be finishing up on the packing of the van and picking Will up from work at 6:30 pm to head for Florida. That means I have tons and tons of work to do between now and then.

I have a huge bunch of rhubarb to make into strawberry rhubarb jam. The strawberries just started up here too, so that means strawberry freezer jam, sugarless jam for my Uncle Ken and regular strawberry jam too. By the time the strawberries are done it will be time for the blueberries and the blackberries. I should finish making jam right before the Florida trip (I hope).

Still sorting for the garage sale. We all have bunches already sorted and lots more still to sort. I will be glad to get it gone.

Well time for bed, I'm just typing this as I wait for Jake to get home from a friend's house. I try to be a mom that doesn't smother him, but I still have trouble sleeping until he's home. Of course he's late, so that will be a discussion in the morning, but with no school at least the rest of them can sleep in as I go to work.

Have a great day tomorrow.

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