Monday, October 27, 2008

A busy, busy weekend

I actually called in sick to work on Friday. It does not happen very often, but I felt yucky. The longer I was up the worse I felt. I tried keeping busy and just ignoring it, but it would not go away. About 9:00 I just quit and went back to bed. I think I slept until noon. What a strange day for me.

Saturday morning our group left bright and early for Rockford. We were singing in a concert that night. It was also the 25th anniversary for Hooters. Doesn't that make a strange combination, Hooters and gospel music? To brother is responsible for the graphic art for almost all of the graphic art stuff for Hooter's 25th anniversary National campaign. We figured we should go and see his work. It was fun. My parents in a Hooters is an interesting experience. We ended up watching the Wisconsin/Illinois game. I also got to try fried dill pickles. I've been wanting to for a long time, but never found them in any of the restaurants that we'd been to. They were tasty. I think though that being the pickle lover that I am, that I would make the slices a little thicker myself, in order to get more of the pickle flavor. Anyway, it was something to mark off of my "want to do" list. David did great work on the ad stuff too.

We headed back to my Aunt's house for a wonderful afternoon of pictures, movies and remembering. It was fun and kind of melancholy in some ways seeing movies of people who are not with us any more. Especially my Gram. I still miss her every day and could kick myself for all of the things that I did not ask her, although I tried to ask her as many questions as I could. So much knowledge goes when our older loved ones die. What a loss. Besides the heartache of losing them, look at all the wisdom that's gone. Anyway, it was a fun day.

Then the concert at the church. It was fun too. We left right after we sang. Which got me home around 12:45 am. I do not deal well with late nights. I was so wound up even though I was exhausted, it was hard to go to sleep.

Sunday we took everyone from the church who would come and went out to a huge field and marked out the boundaries of Noah's ark. I think everyone was impressed. I don't think you can really get your mind wrapped around it unless you actually see it. When you hear 450'X75'X45' you think, that's pretty big, but when you see it. WOW. If the weather hadn't been so crappy I think it would have been even better, but I think it was a hit no matter what. Then..... it started to snow.

We had snow showers all afternoon and very blustery winds. We delivered Jessa's fund raiser stuff and then came home for lunch. Will and I ate and then took a nap. We don't get the chance for that very often, but I needed one and he doesn't turn a Sunday afternoon nap down if he can help it. Ask him, he'll agree.

Last night was a benefit pancake supper at our old church and then we headed a couple of towns over for another concert. That was fun. Different and we goofed up like usual, but the people seemed to enjoy it. All in all, I think we got about 15 orders for our new CD that we have not even recorded yet. I guess we'd better get it done now. We start recording the 8th.

Tonight we take the youth group to see Reggie Dabbs, a Christian speaker they saw at LifeFest. He was their favorite and they came home and watched everything they could off the internet about him. He made quite an impression and he is going to be in Sparta tonight. The kids are all excited.

Well, time to get kids rounded up for school. They are supposedly getting ready, but they're pretty quiet, which could mean, many, many things. I'd better check on them.

Hope you have a great day!

By the way, if you get a couple of minutes watch the last two sermons from our church (link on the right One is called "lessons of a cranberry"and the other is called "wild fires". They are really, really good and very pertinent to today's world and how things should be with us. Try them out. It's worth the few minutes it will take.

See ya,

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