Thursday, October 30, 2008

life in the fast lane stuck on "hurry up"

We are in the fall rush here at the funny farm. Our weather the last couple of days and for the weekend is supposed to be warmer than usual. We had almost 60 yesterday and today is supposed to be in the mid 60's. I have a list of a bunch of stuff to do that is about a mile long...all stuff that has to get done before the weather kicks in. The kids are home for the next two days because of some type of conference, so they will help too. I'm hoping we can get most of it done. It would be a great blessing.

Ok, so on to our "miracle" last night. I had the youth group lesson planned around the kids watching the short pixar video in front of the movie "Monsters Inc". We started looking for the movie and could not find it. I was very frustrated because when you are looking for one thing you manage to find lots and lots of things that were not put back where they are supposed to go. It really gets my goat. I was trying to stay calm and I went in to look in our storage room in the apartment when I noticed that the stuffed animals on the floor and the metal music stand were "hot" to touch. This should not have been so I started looking, somehow the electric baseboard heater in that room had been turned on. I quick grabbed everything off and turned it back off. Thank you God for missing movies that saved our house from burning down. If that movie had not been missing, I never would have gone into that room. Possibly no one would have for days. Whew!

What a strange thing that almost immediately after I turned off the heater, I came in and found the movie right on the shelf. Coincidence?

I and two other moms took the youth group to that Reggie Dabbs concert the other night. If he comes to your town.....GO!!! Take every kid you can find and head them in there to see him! He reaches kids with music and skits and then he gets right down to the heart of the problem. The kids need Jesus. When he was done, over 100 kids headed down to accept the Lord and receive counseling and prayer. I was in tears a good part of the night trying not to let my kids see. They always tease their old mother who cries at was hard let me tell you. He touches nerves on every one attending and makes you think about what is important. He even reached one of the "goth" real Hard cases that I have been praying for forever it seems. This kid is the epitomy of "attitude and hardness" yet there she was down there with tears streaming down her face asking for prayer. It was a great night. Although I would suggest that parents take ear plugs (older ears are just not meant to have that much stress). The music was fine (rock but it was fine) it's just the "loud" part. My whole body was vibrating to the music, Will probably would have loved it.

Well, I'm off to clean my kitchen, make a pot of soup and then off to work.
Have a great day.

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