Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Can you read a map?

We are going to a corn maze today. I'm excited. I asked Bill our Pastor (my cousin) if we could take the youth group from our church to it. The kids have wanted to go for a couple of years. This particular maze has two trails. Both are over 2 miles long (if you take the whole trail). It's kind of like a scanvenger hunt. You take this map and as you reach each marker you paper punch a hole on your card to prove that you've been there. I think it will be lots of fun.

Afterwards we will take them back to the church for soup and games until church time. Then it's youth group at church time, with a lesson on how life is a maze. It should be a fun night, but I bet I'm tired when I get home tonight.

The bear was back the other night. Not the really big bear, but just the little one. I think that as food gets more scarce they start heading back to their hibernation areas. We have not seen them most of the summer so this is different again. Sam thinks there are monsters in the yard. Between the deer that just look at him and will not move when he is needing to potty and the bear, he just runs around the yard smelling everything. Sure takes a long time to do his business, he keeps getting side tracked.

I got a chance to get my 2 cents worth in on the election the other day. The D*mocr*tic party called and wanted to know my opinion on their candidate. Let's just say I don't think they will be calling me again. Then another independent voting pole agency called and I got to tell them my opinion too. Pretty cool. No one will ever hear it except the 2 that called, but at least I got my say. To me it all boils down to whether you believe in abortion or not. I do not, so my choice is pretty clear. I am for a strong nation, with a commander and chief that has experience. I do not need someone with so many liberal ties to so many questionably radical people. You vote the way you want, but for me I'm voting on my morals and his. If you vote that way there is no choice.

Besides I really like the VP candidate that has not been in Washington long enough to get jaded and become old school. She's still fresh enough to remember how to see things our way and not the way of the current congress. Too many "friendships" and too many special interests in my opinion. Let's get someone that see's it our way in there. Shake things up a bit! Make 'em work for their money. If that's the way you have to act to make the money they make, I think I will gladly stay where I am. Ethics seem to fly out the window in so many of the cases. Enough soap box, sorry.

Things around here are busy like usual. We are of course still trying to get the fall stuff done. Let's not even think about winter and Christmas. My mind gets blown away just thinking about it. Although this next Monday I do not have to work, Will will be at work and the kids will be at school. I hope to spend the whole day catching up. I pray that it's good weather so that Sam and I can get some stuff done outside as well as inside. When I'm home it's me and the dog and cat. They are my shadows almost all of the time, him especially. That's how I know he's sick, if he does not follow me every step of the way.

Well, time to get more laundry in the washer.
Hope you all have a wonderful day.

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