Sunday, October 05, 2008

A different spin

I've been thinking about Will's brake lines last week and decided that I was looking at it all wrong. I looked at it as a problem because of what it cost etc. What I should have been doing was thanking God for garbage. Now I do. You see if we had not had to pick up that garbage and had not been only going 10 mph, I might not have a hubby. The next time he was supposed to drive the truck was on his way to work in the dark (with the deer). If we had not been picking up garbage then he would have been going 55 mph when the brakes went. You get the picture. So.......thank you God for garbage.

Jacob went to school on Friday and came home still sick. Lovely. He seems to be much better now, but still has the cough. Easier to keep tabs on him when he doesn't want to go anywhere because he feels bad. I pray he's better soon because I want to take the kids to the corn maze on Wednesday. A few of us from church will be taking the youth groups. I want them to get the chance to enjoy the fall weather and have a little fun. Then it will be back to the church for soup and then youth group that night. It's early dismissal on Wed. so we can do the maze in day light.

We are trying to get a hand chimes choir going with the kids. Looking for a used set of hand chimes or bells. I want used so that I don't have to worry about the kids being the first to put dents in them. It takes the stress off.

We are starting fall clean up around here. In fact it's wet today and rainy so I might have to start a fire in the fireplace. It feels a little damp, but it's still 78 in the house, so no need for a furnace.

Cooking up some of my tomatoes from the garden right now. I guess I'll just make some sauce with them to use the rest of the week for supper etc. Maybe some chili.

It feels kind of strange to be mostly done with Cranfest, so that I can really organize my thoughts and concentrate on what we need to get accomplished for the fall and the house. Hope we can get it done.

Well, need to get busy cleaning the kitchen.
Hope you all have a great day.

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