Friday, February 27, 2009

Watch out ground hog!!

We received 3 inches of ice and snow junk yesterday and now it's all swirling around in a 26 mph wind...... where's that groundhog????????
He promised me only 6 more weeks of winter....does that mean it's going to suddenly be spring...poof!???Waaalaaah!Presto!!!!!!!Taaadaahh!!!!!! Two weeks from now it will suddenly be spring?

Soooooo......since he's not holding up his part of the bargain, as I promised, I'm starting research. I'm collecting ground hog recipes.....

1 woodchuck
2 onions, sliced
1/2 cup celery, sliced

Clean woodchuck; remove glands; cut into serving pieces. Soak overnight in a solution of equal parts of water and vinegar with addition of one sliced onion and a little salt. Drain, wash, and wipe. Parboil 20 minutes, drain, and cover with fresh boiling water. Add one sliced onion, celery, a few cloves, and salt and pepper to taste. Cook until tender; thicken gravy with flour.

Anyone else have any recipes? I'm thinking I'm gonna send the skins/fur to Bob our friend in Australia who seems to be collecting fur hats... ground hog should be a welcome addition.

As for things here...Jake back at school, me feeling much better, Jessa going to the Dr. today and Will....well right now he's in the alien chair, but I have hopes that he will rise victorious from his present circumstances and feel the urge to work....I know that's his plan.

Have a great day.

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