Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Just a quick note

Woke up this morning to snow. I am so sick of snow!!!! For once I am glad for the rain that we are supposed to get the rest of the day. At least it will wash away the snow. EXCEPT that now they are saying that we could possibly have a snow storm this next weekend. Great.

I planted my seeds in my indoor mini green house the other day. At this rate I will be able to plant them outdoors in August. Hopefully, they will all grow. I plan on having a garden that is twice maybe three times as big as last year. I think that I might need it with the economy going like it is. This way I can store up the fruits of my labor for the winter like any other good little squirrel.

Hoping to have great crops of fruits/berries this year. We have really enjoyed the batches of jelly and apple butter that I put up last year. Hoping to can even more this year.

We are buying a cow from my friend Tom. He will raise it with his beef, while we pay him a small amount of rent for the year and then we can butcher it. The good thing about this is that I never have to see the face of the one I will be eating. I'm a softie that way. It will end up being much cheaper. We buy the cow little (Tom has a dairy farm, so he does not need the "boys" for obviouse reasons). He will raise it with his and we get hundreds of pounds of beef as the end result. I hope to do a new cow each year, so that it can start a continous thing. Each year, we will have a new steer to butcher. It's a win, win situation. He laughs because I go in and ask him if he's taking care of our "herd"?.

Well, time to head out to work. Two hour school delay. Jessalyn is the only one going. Jacob is staying home one more day. He broke his nose on Saturday while we were out cutting wood and it's pretty sore. The main reason that I am keeping him home today, is that if something happens there will be no one around to go and get him or take him pain killers. I will be on the route, Will is at work and the rest of our family is heading to a funeral. My Uncle's Mom died and that pretty much takes care of all my "back ups" for the kids. Since, I don't know who all is going, I will just keep him home. It's the last day of the quarter and he has no finals, so it's just as well. Poor kid. His nose really hurts. I know it hurts me to look at it.

Have a great day.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Happy Birthday Earl!

Having written a little something about my oldest brother Allen- after missing my yearly phone call with him (something that still hasn't been remedied..sigh). I figured I needed to give equal time to my brother Earl on his birthday.

The turning point for Earl was his joining the Air Force. The change in him was very noticeable. My brother became a man. He was very different. He was responsible. He was diplomatic and yet, he had learned how to loosen up some as well. As his pain-in-the-but kid-brother it made a significant impact on me.

Just after joining, Earl put in an order for a brand new car. Mercury's version of a mustang, the Capri RS. In the early 80's they looked a lot alike with the mercury having a few more "bells and whistles" so to speak. The car arrived while Earl was still away either in boot camp or training school, I don't remember. He called and asked if we could send him some pictures of it, because even he hadn't seen it yet and he wanted to show his friends. So, I took two rolls of film (yeah, this was before digital) but I only sent him one. Then after a few days I sent the other. The first roll had pictures of: Just the dashboard; Just the "RS" symbol; Just one set of headlights; just one wheel. You get the point? In the first roll there wasn't a single picture of the whole car! They weren't even taken in a way you could put them together. I was proud of myself for coming up with it but I was AMAZED at how well he took the joke. That was when I knew he was changing; for the better.

Earl used to wear glasses. Great thick things. We used to unkindly call them coke bottles. Yet the Air Force ok'd his recruitment. Earl had his physical and eye test. Again no problem. As I remember he was 3 weeks into his boot camp training when the Air Force tried to pull out of the deal because of his eyesight. You could have heard my jaw hit the floor from a block away when I heard Earl was going to fight it. In the past he had been obstinate, hard headed and he and I certainly fought enough, but to take on the U.S. Air Force?? C'mon! whole countries are too nervous to do that!

Yet he did. He got some advice from our dad who got some help from some friends. The kind of friends that have... ahem..strings ya know? Earl stood his ground and did what he had to do. It took a little time but they reinstated him or whatever they called it. He got what they owed him; training in computers and electronics but he also got a chance to become something more.

He now has a good job and a great family. He's certainly made some mistakes in his life just like the rest of us. Ask either of his brothers and we'll tell you he has certainly been wrong before but Earl has the strength of character to do what he believes is right regardless of what anyone else thinks of him for doing it. That's a big thing. Knowing what's right and doing what's right are very far apart for some people. I can't recall that ever being the case for Earl.
Happy Birthday! Love ya bro!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Where there's my "Will"....

Where my Will is there is a way. He went up and got our permit the other day for getting wood out of the State forest. He then went and picked up a load of wood. I'm so proud of him. He's a good guy. You gotta love him.

Today after we go to the dump, we're going to go and get another load. We will only be a few miles away from there while at the dump, so we're gonna combine the two. Both kids will come and the dog too. Jessa can walk with the dog, and Will, Jake and I will pick up wood.

Right now I'm cleaning the fridge. I try to every dump day (quick way to get rid of leftovers). Not my favorite task, but hey somebody's gotta do it. Jessalyn likes doing it, so maybe I can talk her into doing it. I can hope can't I?

When we get home, I have hopes of starting to work on Jessa's room. She is due for an overhaul. We are adding shelving in her closet and then painting. She has new curtains etc ready. It was Jake's room, so it's set up for a boy and we all know that girls need different stuff.

Jake also gets his room painted as soon as we can agree on colors. I think he would have every dark color in there if he could. He wants black walls. I compromised and he can have one maybe two walls black, but not the whole room. He will turn into a bat or something. He's really into Japanese art and dragons, so I'm thinking I'll get some patterns and trace them onto the wall and then he and his buddy Luke (another artist) can paint them. Nothing like allowing him his creativity). I just cannot deal with 4 black walls. Too sinister or something. We can figure it out though.

I cannot wait for spring. We got our first rain storm the other day and it washed all the crud away. It's surprising how dirty everything gets while under all of that white snow. Who would think it could. Now it's time for clean up. It's still cold, so I'm raking in short spells and then we will pick up all the piles on one day. That's what the kids and I do. I rake, they pick up and wheel it away in a wheel barrow.

I started a list and so far have over 25 jobs that can be done with supplies that we already have. Now if we can just find the energy to do it. This having weekends off really, really is great. I love it.

Have a great day. By the way for those that read the recipe that I put on Dea's corner (link at the right), I missed an ingredient, so I added it this morning. Check it out.

Monday, March 23, 2009

I'm a little bit country....

We went on another research trip on Saturday looking at cars. We have been out of the car market for so long that everything is changed. We are still praying for guidance about it, but you don't know what the possibilities are until you look. Then of course with Will not fitting behind the wheel of many cars due to low ceilings...it's another thing to consider. My conclusion.....

Many cars are just too "new fangled" for me. There were cars with so many add ons, that I would probably wreck the car, just trying to turn the radio on. There were cars with so many bells and whistles that I almost felt unworthy to own them. For the most part though, I wouldn't have wanted to own them. Too fancy for the likes of me.

I'm not a "hot rodder". I do not have a lead foot. The only speeding ticket I ever got was when I was going 35 in a 25 mph zone. Someone had taken down the sign that changed it from 35 to 25. I went to court and asked that the judge have them put the 25 sign back up because it was not fair. He agreed with me and the sign was up the next week. I still paid my fine, because I was wrong, but at least the judge knew I did not do it on purpose. I thought I was obeying the law. I digress.

I do not need all of the bells and whistles. I am a very plain, run of the mill type person. I need a car to get me from point A to point B. I would like something that seats enough people to use it on family trips (we always have 2 extra kids in tow). I would like good seats, so my bones do not hurt after 10 minutes. I would like adequate foot room for my children who are not tiny, short people. I also would like decent gas mileage and a nice color that does not give me a headache as I drive down the road. Other than that....I'm not picky.

Do you think I could find that anywhere????? Knowing how hard it has been for my husband to even consider a minivan "Mommy mobile", I really, really was trying to find something that would afford us easy entry into comfortable seating with enough foot room to get by. I looked and looked. We tried car after car, after car, after car. There were a couple of little cars that would work well for him going to work and back. These would even work for short trips. There were cars that would work well for 4 people maybe taking a little longer trip, but where are the cars for trips for families with older people or younger kids that you have to strap into car seats? If you find one that has 7 person seating....it's usually almost impossible to get into the very back seat or it costs $45,000. I am not going to pay that much for a car. That would be what some people around here pay for a house. I just can't do it.

So....... what we pretty much found is that I need a new mail car (we won't even go into trying to find an on the column shifter with a bench seat). I don't know what we'll do there yet. We also need to get a mini van, we think. I am still trying to find a way to get something that will not embarrass my hubby to drive it, but even he agrees that a mini van seems to suit our needs at this time. I'm still looking and praying, but what it all boils down to is that in my opinion "it's more important these days to look cool, have lots of bells and whistles and not function for a normal family". If you are a parent with more than 2 kids, you evidently are not the normal family any longer and without a minivan you are out of luck. No one will ever enjoy putting car seats into one of the mid sized SUV's. I know I wouldn't want to do it.

I guess I'm a little bit too country "podunk". I don't need fancy I need practical and I guess that I'm one of a shrinking minority on that one judging by what is available these days. We'll keep looking though because although I'm a little bit country, my hubby is a whole lot of rock and roll.
(He likes the bells and whistles)

Have a great day.

Friday, March 20, 2009

A Little Perspective.

Here's another post where I have to give credit to my cousin Greta in Alaska. Here is a worldly way of "counting your blessings". The title on the email called it "Everythings Amazing and Nobody's happy". I hope it gives you a little perspective...


After you watch that, then read the following. I've seen it before but I'm grateful to Aunt Carrie for reminding us in Email...

Perspective Wealthy or Poor ?

One day , the father of a very wealthy family took his son on a trip to the
country with the express purpose of showing him how poor people live.

They spent a couple of days and nights on the farm of what would be
considered a very poor family.

On their return from their trip , the father asked his son , "How was the
trip?" "It was great , Dad."
"Did you see how poor people live?" the father asked.

"Oh yeah , " said the son."So , tell me , what did you learn from the trip?"
asked the father.

The son answered:

"I saw that we have one dog and they had four.
We have a pool that reaches to the middle of our garden and they have a
creek that has no end".

We have imported lanterns in our garden and they have the stars at night.
Our patio reaches to the front yard and they have the whole horizon.

We have a small piece of land to live on and they have fields that go beyond
our sight.

We have servants who serve us , but they serve others.

We buy our food , but they grow theirs.

We have walls around our property to protect us , they have friends to
protect them."

The boy's father was speechless.

Then his son added , "Thanks Dad for showing me how poor we are."

Isn't perspective a wonderful thing? Makes you wonder what would happen if
we all gave thanks for everything we have, instead of worrying about what we
don't have.

Appreciate every single thing you have , especially your friends & family

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Something Good.

Deanna's been out of town since Sunday but should be home sometime this morning. I'm really looking forward to that. I miss being spoiled rotten. The kids have done their best but it's just not the quality spoiling I'm used to. I will say I was especially blessed by Jessalyn who voluntarily made my lunches for me everyday and made sure the coffee maker was ready for me every night (so in the morning all I would have to do is turn it on). I think she's starting to understand that Love isn't just a feeling, it's what you do. I certainly felt like my daughter loves her father! God has truly blessed me with a wonderful family.

God has also blessed me with a wonderful country to live in. That said, we all know that it is having some, er...ahem....issues right now. I tend to be a spoilsport. If everyone is ecstatic with a new president I'm the wet blanket that says...lets just see what he does first. The same with those people who are unhappy with their new president. I will try to instill some hope. "let's see what he does first"...
I've been through a more than a couple administration changes. I will admit I didn't completely trust George W. Bush when he first took office. Now I will openly, honestly, tell you that he was everything his father should have been. I think he was a great president who was doing a great (not perfect) job until the democrats took control of congress. It was all down hill from there.

Why am I saying this? No other president has caused me such distress in such a short time of his taking office as the one we have now!

Even though we were fighting a war on two fronts our economy (and the worlds) was holding out just fine until a democratic congress began undermining everything. That's typical. Even more typical is for a new democratic president to take office and start blaming the previous administration for all of it's problems. I can take all of that in stride; but...

This current administration in an amazingly brief period of time has made significant progress in laying the foundation for destruction of this great country. Specifically the "great" part. We've managed to insult the allies that have stood by us and antagonize serious threats that have been lying dormant; all while undermining the very foundations of this country.

The amount of damage caused by an administration in such a short time is staggering. Except by the grace of God it may take generations to correct it. When I made a light comment about political mistakes of this and the previous administration a woman I work with laughed and suggested we should give him (Obama) a chance. I laughed then, but two days later I'm not laughing. The last two days I've been adding up all the things this administration has been able to do in just two months. My answer to that woman right now is a resounding "No!". We can't afford to "give him a chance". Not anymore than I would let a man take my children for a walk while he's holding a grenade. I don't care what his intentions are. In a very short time I have taken his measure (and that of this current congress) and found him to be one of the most dangerous threats this country has ever faced.


I'm not alone in this feeling and that gives me hope. There is a new website called: http://www.the912project.com/ I haven't checked out the whole site yet so I won't give my entire endorsement yet, (I'm cautious that way) but if you go there, specifically check out the buttons at the top of the home page. The one that says "9 principals" and the one that says "12 values". Those I endorse!


Lastly, I was sent the following by my wonderful cousin Greta. I have seen it before but it certainly needs to be sent around now. Copy and paste this. Send it to every American you know. We need to be reminded of this now. The same goes for the 9 principals and the 12 values. Anyway:

"You cannot legislate the poor into freedom by legislating the wealthy out of freedom. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friend, is about the end of any nation.. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it."~~~~ Dr. Adrian Rogers, 1931

God Bless America. It's not a slogan, it's a prayer
Will H. Donaldson

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Sleeping in hurts...

No really. Will woke up this morning and asked me how it felt to be able to sleep in. I had been forcing myself to lay there just on principal for awhile. I think I'm too old to sleep in. My bones hurt....isn't that a kicker? I finally get a weekend off and I can't even sleep in. Oh well.

We are busy cleaning and puttering around here. I actually have accomplished some stuff today, and that in itself is strange. Usually, whatever I plan to get done, gets put to the side in order to do something else that has come up. I really think I'm going to like this having weekends off stuff.

Spring seems to be springing around here. Mom and Dad saw redwinged black birds yesterday. My cousin Kris saw a bluebird and I saw ducks and geese as well as a couple of cardinals. We are supposed to be above 50 for the majority of the week. The animals are all coming out into the open and everyone seems to be enjoying the sunshine.

Tomorrow is pot luck at church and then I leave to go to the Governor's Conference on Tourism until Wednesday morning. Then I go to the Doctor Wednesday afternoon, hoping that I will be done with this shoulder injury and off onto the rest of my life.

Hope you all have a great day. I need to get back to cooking meals for the family for while I'm gone. See ya!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Look Mom I'm dancing!!

You can't see me but I'm a happy camper....I was finally released from therapy yesterday. That doesn't mean that I don't have to still do my excercises, but I don't have to drive 60 miles round trip every other day or so. Yahoo.!

I found out yesterday that I get to trade up to another route.....5 day work week for me!!!!!!!! I have not had weekends off in over 10years. Longer than that because I was in real estate before that and worked every weekend then too. I've finally arrived at the American dream......too many bills and a 5 day work week. Yippee for me!!

Still searching for solutions to the minivan situation. Will is now thinking of alternatives to the minivan that will allow him to keep his macho image......Last I heard he was looking at Suburbans. Who knows what we will end up with.

Time to get the kids off to school. The weather moves towards the 50's today with last night being the last night of "cold" weather for at least a week. I'm ready for spring...so it works for me.

Have a great day.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

John "Roman" Domanski

From Will:

If you read the "comment" that was made for our last post, you will see how Dea and I found out. I am truly thankful for Jo. Otherwise we likely would not have found out for a couple of days. Yesterday I was numb. It finally started to sink in this morning. A little. A large part of me still thinks it isn't true.

It doesn't help one bit that in my old age I've gotten soft. I would rather be "Strong" and "Stoic". Not sitting here looking at my computer screen through the distorting effects of my tears. If you read this blog often and it's comments, John is all over it and has been since the beginning. The last thing he said to me was a "comment" he made just a couple of days ago to compliment me on my prose. Nice timing John. You always did have great timing.

John actually introduced me to Deanna over 20 years ago and was a large part of our wedding ceremony and the reception afterwards. I'd known him for years before that (ironically so had Dea-we just hadn't met). I'd met him when he was my Program Director for the then top-rated WMNX where he was also the talent for a top-rated morning show that had the reputation for listeners that absolutely hated him or were totally devoted to him. There was no middle ground.

He made a lot friends that way. People who really didn't like him until they met him; then got to know him. After that, you became completely loyal friends. At least it was that way for both Dea and I. We compared notes. The first thing she ever said to him was to give him a "raspberry"; I don't mean the fruit.

She's as devastated as I am.

Dea and I moved to Wisconsin 16 years ago. John and I hadn't worked together for 7 years before that. He was always confident that we would work together again. You know after all these years, I still had hope. I am so sorry that isn't going to happen now.

My grief makes the air seem thick.

Last year we made a special detour on our vacation to spend a couple hours with him over lunch. I am so glad we made the effort and ashamed that we didn't do that more than once. As I said, we hadn't seen each other in years and it was like I had just had breakfast with him that morning. We fell right back into the old camaraderie. It was easy. Even though we both had changed a great deal in all those years, our friendship was still exactly the same.

A friendship that wasn't based on thinking the same way about politics or religion or even Radio Programming. It was based simply on caring about the other persons happiness and knowing without a doubt nothing will change that.

My mourning is purely selfish. I mourn for all the possibilities that won't be. For having to continue on with one less person who'll be happy to hear from me. One less voice to make me smile.

John Roman Domanski
Loyal and true friend.

Saturday, March 07, 2009

A "Wild" week.

You can tell that spring is just around the corner because the animals around here are becoming very active. For animal lovers like me...this is a great thing. My favorite things are eagles. I just love them. This last week I have been blessed with seeing eagles almost every day. Thursday when Will and I went to LaCrosse, we saw about 47 eagles on the Mississippi river. Of course as Will points out, many of those were probably the same ones, but since there was no way to tell, I am counting them all each time I saw them (we traveled south on the road and then north again). I was happyily counting away. My hubby was pestering me....does that surprise you?

Most days on my way home from the doctor, I see large flocks of turkeys (over 100). Then yesterday in the next fields after the turkeys there were fields that had deer all over in them. I bet there was over 100 all totalled. Spring is coming! Although with 7 inches of snow forcast for tomorrow you'd never know it.

Jessalyn's concert is this Monday night. After Monday, that will end the show choir season for the year. I won't mind missing the every Wednesday Show Choir practises. It's not that they are terrible, it's just that things are getting very busy now and I am having that Mom problem of fitting it all in and remembering where everyone is and what everyone needs.

Well, I'm off to do laundry. Have a great day.

Friday, March 06, 2009

What a hoot!

Will has not been in favor of buying a minivan. Not that he has anything against them really, he just says it's taking his "manhood" away when I ask him to drive a "Mom mobile". Anyway, we went looking at cars yesterday. Not that we are ready to buy anything new, but we are looking at all possibilities and praying before we make a plan. Much of our decision depends on what size the new route that I transfer to will be. For years I have driven a company car, so I have not needed my own. Now that will be changing, so we went to look at a right hand drive Jeep. Too small, although I like the idea of a right hand drive and I also like the idea of owning a "4X4 Jeep" (it was even red, which is "my" color).

While we were there we decided to look at some mini vans, because you have to do research. Also even though 6'1" is not really TALL in today's world, Will does not fit in certain cars. He is very tall from his waist to the top of his head and his head bangs on car ceilings. What did we find out yesterday????? HE ONLY FITS IN THE BRAND NEW EXPENSIVE ONES (twerp). I had one picked out because I liked the layout and seats. I liked the body style and had even picked out the color. Since they are very economically priced in comparison to others, I thought that it would work out nicely, if he fit. There he sat, head rubbing against the ceiling. I really thought about having a sunroof installed and just letting him stick his head out that.
So now we punt.... There are still a few to try out, but it looks like, IF I get a minivan, it will be down to 1 or 2 types, since he needs to be able to sit like a normal person and not all hunched down in the seat. Of course then he started running the idea of a Suburban or some type of larger SUV past me. I drive the Cranfest Suburban all the time and love it, but I worry that it might be hard for people to get into. Aside from that, they are really, really expensive and I could buy 3 mini vans for the price of one Suburban.

The long and short of this story is that we don't know what we're going to do, but my hubby is having a blast looking at vehicles and considering possibilities. For that alone, it's great. Even if we decide not to do anything for a couple of months, at least he has the chance to dream......

Have a great day.

Thursday, March 05, 2009

She's BACK!!!!!!!

Well, the shoulder has pulled through and I am back on my route starting today. The reasoning from the therapist was that the only way to see if my shoulder would stand up to the strain of the route, was to do the route. I'm so excited. It has been a difficult but very informative couple of months. The doctor actually said that I had made better recovery time than most do with this injury. How do people get through it? Talk about frustrating. I'm not back to 100%, but at least I can lift my arm over my head now for the first time in 8 weeks. Now I just need to be careful and keep working on the muscles and regaining their strength.

Will and I are running to LaCrosse this afternoon. It's our semi-annual trip. We just don't find the time to do this kind of thing until we have no option but to head over for something. I will of course want to do "lunch" somewhere and then we can run our errands and do our small amount of shopping. He will be in full "manly mode" because we are starting to consider what we will do in the car department if I switch mail routes. It's a big decision. The last car we bought was his truck about 5 years ago. We have had my lumina for almost 8 years. Now we have to figure out a new system. I would buy another Lumina since it is perfect for the route, but they do not make them anymore. So, we are checking out what they do make. It has to have an "on the column" shifter and room for packages. Not a long list of cars like that anymore. We'll see. I'm sure Will is going to enjoy the "looking".

Still working on getting ready for a new appraisal next week. We have not had the house appraised for years, and I'm a little nervous. It's not that I think it's not worth what we are looking for in numbers, it's just that we had hopes of finishing a few more things before we took this step, but in order to take advantage of lower interest rates right now, we have to go ahead and get it appraised early. Man, I wish we had more done though, but the weather and finances have not been helpful. God will provide though and I am trusting him for answers.

Well, time to get the kids off to school. Have a great day!

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

I can see it in his eyes......

Well actually, I have not seen that stupid ground hog's eyes, BUT if I did, I'm sure there would be "fear" in them. I know he must be feeling the pressure. I know he must be afraid of me or at least a little worried. You ask how I know this???? Easy, it's getting warmer. Today in the 30's and for the rest of the week the 40's. Now don't you think for a minute that this gets him off the hook, because I have that little rodent's number. If he does not come through in the next 2 weeks.... out comes the stew pot!

I was out training another carrier yesterday, riding around in that great big tin can in the cold...WOW. Let me just say that it was cold. My feet were numb and I was still cold at 2:00 this morning as I lay in bed shivering. Why didn't I cuddle up to my hubby you ask? Because I love him, I answer. He was sleeping so soundly I did not want to wake him up with my shivering and shaking. So I let him sleep and suffered in silence. I will be so glad to see spring.

I am most looking forward to getting out and sitting on the ground running my fingers through the sun warmed earth, letting the dirt sift through my fingers and pulling out weeds and planting new seeds and plants. There is something very calming and satisfying about the whole process. I really feel like I am accomplishing something in those times.

Jake woke us up yesterday morning with the news that his music concert was last night. Nothing like a little advanced warning. He did a great job last night and so did his girlfriend. I'm proud of them both. Then we went to McD's for icecream as is the custom. The kids ordered cones and boy did that woman know how to make them. I bet they were each 10" tall (the cones) when she was done. You sure got your money's worth.

Here's a joke. Olie and Leana were riding home from a party where they had over indulged just a little. Their beers were too good to throw away, so they took them with and were drinking them on the way home. They were driving a little strangly still laughing and having a good time, when they noticed flashing blue lights in their rear view mirror.
Olie says (read this part with an accent)"OH shoot Leana it's the cops and we have already been in trouble for driving while we was drinking the beer. Hurry now and take the label off of your beer and stick it to your forehead".
"Ok Olie, but I don't understand why we are sticking these here labels to our foreheads".
"You'll see" was the reply.
The officer walked up to the car and asked "Olie, what are you doing now? I just pulled you over last week for drinking while you were driving. Are you drinking now?"
Olie replied with an earnest plea in his voice "OH NO officer" and then pulling up the hair on his forehead to expose the label said "we would'nt drink WER'E ON THE PATCH"!!!

Ok so much for my humor. Hope you have a great day!