Saturday, March 07, 2009

A "Wild" week.

You can tell that spring is just around the corner because the animals around here are becoming very active. For animal lovers like me...this is a great thing. My favorite things are eagles. I just love them. This last week I have been blessed with seeing eagles almost every day. Thursday when Will and I went to LaCrosse, we saw about 47 eagles on the Mississippi river. Of course as Will points out, many of those were probably the same ones, but since there was no way to tell, I am counting them all each time I saw them (we traveled south on the road and then north again). I was happyily counting away. My hubby was pestering me....does that surprise you?

Most days on my way home from the doctor, I see large flocks of turkeys (over 100). Then yesterday in the next fields after the turkeys there were fields that had deer all over in them. I bet there was over 100 all totalled. Spring is coming! Although with 7 inches of snow forcast for tomorrow you'd never know it.

Jessalyn's concert is this Monday night. After Monday, that will end the show choir season for the year. I won't mind missing the every Wednesday Show Choir practises. It's not that they are terrible, it's just that things are getting very busy now and I am having that Mom problem of fitting it all in and remembering where everyone is and what everyone needs.

Well, I'm off to do laundry. Have a great day.

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