Friday, November 21, 2008

Both fires going.....and Mom's burning up

It's cold up here this morning. I have both fireplaces going to give it a cozier feel, but you still know it's cold outside.

This morning is turning out to be one of those mornings where everything seems to happen to me and it's ALL wrong. I woke up only to step on a dog toy and twist my knee that I'd hurt last night falling over Will's shoe in the dark. I walked in to wake up Jessa and tripped over my son's idea of putting the dirty clothes in the hamper. Then I walked past a table to go back to my bedroom and accidentally knocked off Will's cup that he had left in the wrong place, oh great, now I have cold water all over me. Before I changed to dry clothes I decided to take the dog out to I'm wearing ice cubes where the water had been.

All of this happened before 5:30 am. I have a terrible feeling about today. Yahoo.....I'm overjoyed, it feels like it's going to be one of those "stupid things happen to me" days. I might as well start laughing now, cause it's not getting any better "so far". Some days it's not easy being me.

I just had a melt down because everywhere I looked, nothing had been done yesterday that I asked the kids to do. Some of it was partially done, in order to make Mom think that we did it, but most of it was not even attempted. After my fourth or fifth request from the kids this morning of "Mom can you do this for me?" I snapped. It was not pretty. When the Momma ain't happy aint nobody happy and believe me right now when I say ain't nobody happy in this house at this moment.

Daddy stepped in and they are not allowed any video games or computers for a WHOLE DAY!! You should have seen the pitiful looks that royal decree brought would have thought we had cut off their air supply or food. No computers or video games......the horror!!!! It's unthinkable torture! It's a crime, I tell you, a crime. What will they do?

Jake is still bucking the decree. Jessalyn for once figured out that she should just be quiet and lay low. I'm usually pretty forgiving and easy going about these things, but every once in a while the pressure builds and I end up blowing. This time I'm sure part of it was brought around by my hubby being sick. He didn't do it on purpose and I certainly understand, but when he's miserable, I'm miserable. He is really, really pitiful and has to sleep in the recliner so he can breath, which means that I sleep alone and I don't sleep well when he's not there. For some reason, I need to hear him breathing to be able to sleep. Notice I say "breathing", snoring is another story.

Well, time to get everyone off to school where they can tell all of their friends about their crazy mother and the terrible trials they must go through to live in this household. Who would ever believe that parents would make their children clean their room, put away clothes, clean the bathroom and take out the trash.....and then take away electronics for a day all over stupid chores.....what a life.

Have a great one.

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