Saturday, November 15, 2008

It takes a computer to show you how dumb you are.

I joined facebook a couple of months ago to see if I could find any old friends from high school. Yippeee! I did.

Actually I found a couple that I used to hang around with alot in band. It is pretty cool to see what they look like now. Of course the down side is that they all look great and it makes me look at myself a little closer. I always thought I didn't look my age, but for cryin' out loud they all look great! What happened? I know that I don't have wrinkles, but I'm pretty sure that the fat keeps them from happening. I'm very active and excercise much more than 10,000 steps per day, don't eat alot, but have this sugar problem. My body does not deal with it well.

Before surgery 18 years ago, I did 175 situps a night. I can see that I am going to have to start doing something again. I'm telling you these people look wonderful! What a hoot.

Now onto why I feel dumb. There are so many things happening on that website, I don't know what button to push next. Shoot, I just figured out email for the most part and now they want me to do what? It's confusing.

Onto other news.....CD is almost ready to be sent for copies to be made. Waiting for the cover from my brother the graphic artist. Hoping to have it ready by the end of November.

Still cleaning and sorting, of course with it rainy and cold here, there's not much I can do outside without catching pneumonia, so that leaves inside. I think that I might go ahead and decorate for Christmas and get it over with. I keep finding more Christmas stuff, might as well put it to good use.

Have a great day!

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