Tuesday, November 18, 2008

No Secret agent "007"....

Just secret agent "MOM" here. The situation with imaginary people infiltrating our house, caused considerable concern with the governing body of the house. I sent in secret agent "MOM" (yes, I know that's me, but I am incogneto so shhhhh be vewy, vewy quiet we are hunting unknown entities). I started a thorough search of the house.
In my daughter's room-no one, but did find many of the clothes that I washed last week squashed into her sock basket and then covered up with socks. Sound suspicious to me, but she denies any knowledge of the incident. Looked under the bed AHA!!!!! nothing, nada, empty (yep surprised even me)....
Went to the next possible stronghold of the enemy.......Jake's room.
I found the fortress!!! Jackpot! I found right where they have been living....in Jake's closet. Over 30 hangers and 3 loads of dirty clothes later, I had found the bottom of his closet. He had just stacked all the other stuff on top of the stuff that was in there. The surprising thing is that he denies all knowledge of any wrong doing and you know what?

I believe him. My son the 16 year old can beat any video game out there. He can remember every word a teacher says in a lecture and repeat it back to them word for word (or pretty close). He can build huge lego creations in minutes that the directions say should take 4 hours or more, BUT the kid cannot remember where he put things, cannot remember to finish his chores and cannot remember to keep his shoes tied. It is like living with the absent minded professor. It's amazing and frustrating both to live with this kid. I'm very proud of him, but wonder in the future if he will forget his wife and kids when they run to the restroom at a gas station.

That mystery solved we start on the clean up of the situation. I call it mucking out Jake's room. We periodically have to do this with every room in the house. Things get put in weird places and have to be sent back to their original positions, but this room of Jake's is going to take some time because he wants to keep EVERYTHING. He is very sentimental (gets it from me, Will isn't sentimental at all) and it's hard for him to let go of anything which would explain why there was a pair of size 8 pants from 5th grade in his closet. My work is cut out for me on this next mission.

Signing out.
Secret agent "MOM"

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