Saturday, January 03, 2009

From quiet to WILD!

As I said we spent New Year's Day with lots of quiet....Not yesterday. Remember the stupid things rule? Here's how my day went....

5:00 am- woke up on the WRONG side of the bed. Ok, so I know that I get out of the bed every morning on the same side, but yesterday I was grumpy from the "get go". Don't ask me why, but I was. I knew it, I told Will I was. I prayed for an attitude change. So, I ended up grumpy, knowing I was grumpy and being amused by my grumpiness, BUT I WAS STILL GRUMPY.

7:00 am- look for my purse and realize it's at Mom's. Ok no big deal, I'm just not sure if my phone is in it or not. So now I have to stop and get it. Not a big deal most days but remember I'm grumpy. Then after that everything I needed to do before I left for work required something out of my purse. Grumpy is not getting happier.

8:00 am- go out to get in my car to leave for work. Car won't start. Happy really ain't anywhere around now. Come in and calmly tell my Hubby, who is now Mr. Frustration who's wife is still grumpy. Not a pretty picture when there are two adults standing in the cold freezing and right then wishing they had some type of dynomite. At least it wouldn't be cold any more. I finally end up taking Will's truck which means Will could not do the things he needed to do, guess who does?

8:45 am- arrive at work to find out the machines are mail for a while. I'm frustrated and grumpy. Not a good combination when you are in my working situation.... With so many carriers out, I spend the next two hours while waiting for my mail helping subs and trying to keep their spirits up....not an easy task when you would rather, stomp your feet and pout like any normal two year old.

12:00- I am finally out on the route, when I should have left at 10:10. Great now I'm grumpy, late, frustrated and I'll have to try to deal with customers who think that mail should be exactly the same time every matter if it's the day after the holidays, in the middle of an ice storm, or 70 mph winds, or it's just snowed 2 feet and the plows are not done yet. Now I get to try to be happy when they yell because their weekly garage sale and car ad free advertiser is not in their mail yet. Now not only do I have to deliver it at the right time, evidentally I need to call the companies and make sure they mail it too.....good grief. I manage to make it through most of the day....


I get out of the jeep at one of my last stops and catch my jeans pocket on the latch for the door as I slip on a patch of ice that no one has taken care of yet....and just to add to my my jeans from the front to the back. Now I'm grumpy, frustrated, cold and am showing my drawers to the world...
It can only get better right??????

Wrong! I head back to the office and one of the bosses says a customer called to complain because I did not take his package back to his house, past the hole where his van was stuck for two days, through the multi vehicles parked all over, through the one rut pseudo plowed drive to do a million point turn around and pray that I get out....only to have my boss agree with him...this all after the big "talk" we had last week saying it was our judgement call on whether we take a package to a person's door, when it's a safety issue. Add to this that my former bosses told me that I was not to attempt any packages there because the former carrier had gotten stuck too many times there summer and winter. Just what I needed.

I ended up picking up Jake and his cousin from Skylar's house where they had been together since Wednesday. Called Will and he picked up Jessica to come stay with Jessalyn. We have a house full of cousins now. Then my cousin Kris came over for supper and talking. The house was full of people and it was very nice, so it finally turned my grumpy around. You should have heard all the laughing around here. We adults had great conversation in the family room while the kids played video games in the living room. Then to make matters even better....

Lo and behold....the kids turned off the computers and video games, pulled out the Monopoly game and started playing. They played for over 3 hours, just having a great time. Who would'a thunk it???
It ended up being a great evening and ended the day in the right frame of mind, but man what a day.

I'm hoping that's all the crap I have to deal with for a while and the next few days can be joyous. I know at least this morning...I'm not grumpy. Of course, it's just me and the cat out here right now. It's hard to be grumpy with fires in both fireplaces, a good cup of coffee and a nice warm cat sitting on your lap purring....right now, life is really good. Let's hope I can remember that while I get ready for work again.


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