Monday, January 19, 2009

I've got the house to myself..and the whole day off!

So what will I do???

Do our tax paperwork.
shovel the driveway with one hand.

There's something wrong with this picture! When you get a day off aren't you supposed to go and pamper yourself? I should be putting my feet up, eating chocolates and reading a book right? Yeah, sure. This is me. First of all I'm not really fond of most chocolates (english toffee is another story), second of all, I cannot just sit in a chair for very long, it makes my bones hurt (I'm old remember) and third....There's too much to be done around here.
I think I will spend the first hour or two catching up on things and then take a quick break. The cat and the dog are thrilled that I am not getting dressed to go out the door. The cat is on the desk sitting next to me giving me moral support as I write this entry. The dog is on the floor at my feet and every once in a while he sighs with contentment.

The kids are off to school. Will is at work. I have the whole day to really tear into things and get things done...the problem is...I don't know where to start. Well, I suppose I better get going doing something....the dishes and laundry are calling my name....can you hear them "Hey dummie!!!!!" I know they are laughing at me behind my back "she should have run while she had the chance" Ha.ha.ha.ha.

sigh. off to work I go...divide and conquer and all that jazz.

Have a great day!

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