I realized the other day that it really must have been cold the last few weeks. Early this week the temperatures got up to 22 and sunny. It's been so cold and I am used to the colder temps, I must have been because without realizing it, I ran around in a tshirt and sweat coat all day outside and was very comfortable. I probably would have cooked in 40 degree weather. It just goes to show you what a body can get used to. As long as the sun is out, I do pretty good.
Went to therapy twice last week. It's surprising how worn out an arm can get just by repeating some of these very easy excercises. I can do the same thing with my good arm and it has no affect. I do it with the injured arm and it wears it out. Strange.
Good news is that my arm is back up to about 75%. From the 10% where it had been that's really good.
Better news..I'd lost another 6 pounds in the 10 days since I had seen the Doctor. That makes almost 9 in January. I'm on my way!
Wow, taxes are filed, weight is going down, paperwork is getting organized...I'm actually accomplishing something in January. What a strange concept. I may even have to sit back and reflect. Ha. ha.
Not so great news, my bosses neglected to pay me this last week until I got a little cranky. I kept it under control, but I was really, really ticked. There is nothing like working for weeks even though it really hurts to do so and have them not pay you. There were lots and lots of excuses, but the truth is when it all boiled down to it, was they waited until the last minute to find out how to do my pay and it was too late, so they just didn't do anything. After me getting very serious, they called enough people to figure it out supposedly and offered "so generously" (yes that was dripping with sarcasm), to pay me 65% of what I should have got and I will have to wait a month or 2 for the rest. I was not a happy camper. Sometimes, you just wonder about people. If I am in management ever again in my life, this is one of the things that I will file away to remember.
Now I have another 10 days of limited duty for the rest of my therapy to get done and I should be pretty close to 100% and I can go back to my route. Yahoo!!!!! I am not a good patient and I am running out of things to clean at work. I have washed all of the walls, all of the doors, all of the cases, all of the windows, cleaned the bathrooms, and now am working on one- handed mopping of every area, aside from putting labels on cases and reworking the whole system on 2 of the routes that the carriers are out and I have to help the subs. All of that would not have been possible without the injury, but man I sure will be glad to get back to the route and out into the sunshine.
2 months from now it will be March, almost April. On April 15th the redwinged blackbirds will be back. I cannot wait for spring.
By the way, I learned something really cool the other day. There is a wildlife refuge about 15-20 miles from here as the crow flies. They raise endangered Whooping Cranes. Each year the cranes are led by a light weight aircraft to Florida for the winter. I just found out that "our cranes" go and winter in Wakulla County where we used to live. Pretty cool huh? It's a small world some times.
Well, time for dishes. Have a great day.
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