Friday, December 30, 2005
What a weird day!
Then today, like almost every other day since the beginning of November, I went to work. The only difference is that they predicted 3-6 inches of snow. Boy were they wrong. What proof that only God knows what the weather will rained. AND rained AND rained. I was soaked by the time I finished the route. Who would ever have thought that on December 30th we would have rain? Oh well, at least the roads were not slippery for the most part.
When I came home the new furnace was in already. I guess they had it in before noon. What a great bunch of people at Bill's heating. I have known Bill all my life and really appreciate his willingness to run over here and fix the old beast we had, no matter when we called. The funny thing is, he was here to fix it Christmas Eve last year so that we could have the party and then this year, it was the day after Christmas. Now I don't mean to be terrible, but I really hope and pray that he does not come back for a while, at least not professionally.
Today was my last day on Route 6. I have been the sub on that route for almost 5 years and it was kind of sad driving around and seeing my regular customers. Who would have thought you could get sentimental about a mail route? Now I finish out my last week of working on Route 4 and God willing on this next Saturday the 7th, I start my own route, ROUTE 8. I am excited, but also scared. It will be a big change for us, but I think most of the changes will be good ones.
Well, time to go and eat supper. It was a very long day today.
God bless.
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
The "Between" time
Well we have made it through Christmas and have entered what I call the "between" time. That time between Christmas and the New Year. I try to save up my vacation time so that I have enough to cover my work days "between". I don't go on vacation or anything but mostly stay at home with the kids who of course are off from school.
It gives me a little time to connect with my kids and to vegetate away from work. Gives my body a little time to heal too. Of course I'm not really doing my body any good at the moment but I will get to that later. Anyway, today for me is the beginning of "Between Time".
The Christmas Eve Party came off without a hitch. Which really surprises me. Deanna and I have been so busy for the last three months that everything has been way, way, way behind schedule. For example,usually I make a big deal out of putting lights on the house and property but I couldn't find the time.
Usually I start putting lights up right after Halloween! Now yes, I know that's pretty early and pretty funny too but it also makes sense. Any idea how much fun it is to lay on a snow covered roof trying hang lights while hanging over the edge? Lets just say it can take some of the "Joy" right out of the season. Though on the other hand, your prayer life really spikes up! Anyway I try to set aside time to do that before the snow hits hard. I just never got around to it.
So the Friday before Christmas with some help from our friend Amanda I was able to put some lights around the courtyard fences and put one of those silly moving deers up in the front yard and that was it. It was way too slippery to try for the roof. And of course I didn't have enough time.
It has pretty much been that way for Dea too. The biggest part of our annual Christmas Eve party "burden" is on her. I am pretty much just muscle and lately I don't have a lot of that. Thank you Lord for the Gift of Amanda and Her Mom Peggy!
Those two have really made a difference in our lives. They are just now starting to get settled in their new place where they can be close to us for a change. They've been spending hours upon hours driving back and forth from Wisconsin Rapids to spend time with us and the Church. Now they won't have to. It has been marvelous!
With My "little sister" Peggy and my " buddy" Amanda we have been able to do what normally takes weeks in just a couple of days. The load they took off my wife's shoulders is enough to bring tears to my eyes. Add in the amount of work taken from my shoulders and I think I have to go find a tissue!
So Christmas eve gets here and we have prepared food and place for 50+ people. We had like 47 last year so we wanted to be prepared. I think maybe 27 showed up. OOPS!
Oh it's perfectly ok with us. This party has always really been about making sure that everyone has someone to be with on Christmas. For some people I think our party is the only Christmas they see. So this really isn't about us but about the people that show up. We were sad for those few who couldn't make it because they were ill. It really "inhales" to be sick on Christmas! Those that had to be somewhere else we understand and of course no hard feelings. Now about all this food.......
Deanna's Goal in life I think is to feed the world - personally. Perhaps I should say "Cook" for the world. I have so much food around this place it is staggering! Of course, if I am going to have a "Problem" with food this is the problem I want to have: too much!
We had to put some out in the entry way and opened the window to the cold. We have food in the wood shed up where I hope no "critters" can get to it. Then there is the refridgerator. Nothing falls out when you open it...If you're careful. You can only v e r y c a r e f u l l y take out what is in the front row. If you try to touch something that isn't hanging off the front edge you're liable to start an avalanche! Oh it's fun!
This brings us back to the part about not doing my body any good at the moment. Hate to see all that food go to waste! We made bunches of Christmas baskets but we still have plenty left over.
Christmas morning was a wonderful Blessing from the Lord. The kids actually let mom and dad sleep in! Of course for us that means 6am. We went out into the sun porch where the tree is and started opening presents. It was really, really nice. What can be better than seeing the faces on the ones you love opening gifts? That does more for me than parties or gifts for myself. Of course I'm not giving back my new "19.2 volt cordless drill", but seeing both my Children with new guitars for Christmas was definitely the highlight. They have both been wanting one so badly. My parents pitched in for half and gave me the gift of seeing my kids have them. Thanks Mom and Dad!
Poor Deanna, She doesn't understand that husbands are supposed to buy special presents for their wives on Christmas and for anniversaries and if anyone ever explains it to her I might punch them in the nose!
It took me a while to figure this out until the one year I got her this electric griddle that she'd been asking for. She actually Cried tears of Joy! If I buy her jewelry I get "Oh, how nice!", but if I buy her an appliance she hugs my neck and cries! Go figure! At first I thought maybe she was upset but no, she really was that happy!. Well, shoot! I can buy appliances all day long!
Well, there was one exception last year where I was able to buy her something mushy that made her cry; it was Bible just like the one I bought her when we first got married 15 years ago. Her old one was shot. I was able to say the right things on the inside cover to make her weep. Mission accomplished! That sounds really weird to my ears too but yeah making her cry with love and joy, that has become my mission in life.
This year however, no tears (sigh). I was forced to rely on the old faithful and get her what I knew she needed. First as per tradition for Christmas eve she received a cookie sheet - I get her a good one every year. (I get hankerchiefs)
Then Christmas morning it was a new drinking glass set and a french white corningware set. She was pretty excited. (See what I mean? Most of the women I've known would be throwing the cookware at my head! Not her though, she loves it! Yeah, I'm gonna hang on to her...) Even when I mentioned that from now on we have to get rid of something for every new thing we get for the kitchen she didn't blink an eye but said "O.K.". Oh how I Love That Woman!
Turns out that it was a good thing I said that. Her sister Dana bought us a whole new diningware set! For 16!!! The style suits us to a "T" too! Sturdy with rustic colorings but still very lovely! I am completely staggered by the gift!. Of course that means that we have to remove that many pieces from the kitchen. Dea's mom and dad have kind of adopted a Veteran who is in need of kitchen ware. Correction, he was in need; he won't be when we're through with him!
Of course Christmas morning was Sunday and my Usual Sunday off from work so that meant my turn to speak. The Lord was exceptionally kind to me and allowed me just enough quiet time Friday to write it. I don't usually get them done so far in advance or written so quickly. Usually I have to wrestle with it to make sure that it's what God wants and not what "Will" wants ya know? So it was a nice surprise and blessing for me. I will see about adding my notes from that sermon to our other site "The Bible in Context 101". Look for it.
The Holy Spirit reigned all that day for us. The Church service Christmas eve and then Christmas morning were wonderful blessings. Truly a time where you left feeling "full" of His Spirit and His presence. The rest of the day was very "Sabbath like" spent at Deanna's folks place. What a wonderful time and yet very relaxing and peaceful. A day of Rest.
Monday was considered a holiday by the post office so Dea was able to stay home with us. Amanda and Peggy came by and it was great family day. We spent time with the guitars and with video games and even ended the day playing Jacobs new "Lord of the Rings" monopoly game. They added a new twist to the rules with the "one ring" that also helps to keep the game from going too long. It was fun! Jacob won with Deanna a close 2nd. Jessa and I came in fourth and third respectively but we decided we were really the winners anyway "so there! Nyaaa!" Then we giggled some more and put things away for the night.
If there was anything that went even slightly wrong it was that Sunday night or Monday morning early, my furnace quit. I am so thankful that it didn't happen on Christmas eve! It still isn't working but the walls on this house are 12 to 16 inches thick so with the fire place going and a couple of space heaters we are doing just fine.
I hope to replace that old jalopy of a furnace this year if the Lord is willing but for now I just ordered a part and we will wait patiently for it. Another praise for the Lord: The temperatures have been around 40 for the last couple of days and should stay that way for the week. God is SO Good!
Well, that should bring you up to date. I hope I didn't bore you too much! I will try to post some pictures this week. If I can find the camera....hmmmm. Merry Christmas and May the Lord bless Your New Year!
Thursday, December 22, 2005
Here we go again
I worked my usual 12 hour day yesterday, clocked out at work and rushed over to the Veterans Administration Hospital. The third Wednesday of every month the band I play in, volunteers to play for the patients there. It had been a stressful day but productive at least and I was nervous about playing because I knew we would be playing songs we hadn't practiced or I just didn't have the music for and would have to "wing it". Just a little more stress. I didn't mind though. When you go to work you expect some stress. When I have to play publicly without a lot of practice there is going to be some stress too, but playing for the Vets always has it's own reward. So you just pile it up and smile your best, because it's all about them you know?
It went pretty well all things considered and I am confident they enjoyed it, which is the whole point after all. I helped load up all of the equipment, drove it to where we keep it, helped unload it and finally headed home. Pretty much a normal "Third Wednesday" where I wake up at 3:45 am, leave for work at 5am, get home at 9:30pm. Last night was different though. As I walked through the door, my head was swimming with all the goings on for the day and the "to do" lists that have to be completed before Christmas eve. My kind wonderful wife waited until I set all my gear down and was comfortable in my chair before giving me the news. I do pray an extra measure of blessings for her and anyone who has to hold onto difficult news. When you love someone and know the news you have to give them will be painful it hurts you too. There is a certain amount of stress that is added to your life especially when you have to hold all that inside, knowing this will be unpleasant for an extended period of time. I know this must have happened to alot of people yesterday. Here we go again
Another close family member has died. Bill Hamilton. Uncle Bill to me. Though of no blood relation he was more of an "uncle" to me than my real ones. This is no fault to my Uncles, but I have never lived close to any of them, but when I was living in Homestead Florida, Bill was just a couple of houses down the block. I would say that gives him an advantage wouldn't you? It was kind of special as a kid to look at the friendships between Bill, his wife Nancy and my Mom and Dad. I can't help but think back to all the fun and trouble we used to get into with David and Joe their sons. There are alot of good memories.
I was thinking of all those times last night and this morning. I was wondering if Bill knew how special it was when one day He decide to move this little car he had from the drive way to the side yard. I don't remember why or for sure even what the car was. I think it was a Datsun but I don't remember. I was only in the fifth or sixth grade mind you and he asked me to move it! I had steered a car sitting on my dads lap but he wanted me to actually get in and "drive" it to the side yard and it was a Standard! He simply got in the passenger seat and calmly and very clearly explained what I needed to do and it worked! I remember how proud I was to have used a clutch. I remember bragging to my older brothers and to David and Joe who all made it out as if it was no big thing (which is what boys their age do) but they couldn't diminish the accomplishment to me. You can imagine the smile it brought me to read Rachel Haucks page this morning when she wrote about Bill teaching her to drive a standard. I never knew that, but yeah it fits. I could write pages and pages and never do him justice. The things Bill has done in his life would truly make a wonderful novel, the kind you can't believe is true but really is. I am proud to have known him and I look forward to seeing him again. To David, Joe, and Nancy I miss you all very much and you know you are in my prayers. Cling to Jesus and Cling to Hope Eternal. I have to go to work now or otherwise this page would be much much longer in honor of a friend gone to Jesus. This makes the 5th one this year I think. I'm losing count, but as long as I know I will see them in heaven it makes my time here without them turn to hope for the future. May the Lord Bless You and Keep You and Make His Countenance to shine upon you and give you peace. Amen. Merry Christmas!
Saturday, December 17, 2005
It's beginning to look alot like Christmas..
As you can tell my new route starts on January 7th and boy I am soooooo happy about that. I will work from about 8:00 am until 11:00-11:30 or so, 6 days a week. Instead of working 7:00 am until 6:00 pm any day of the week depending on when they need me (many weeks 5 or 6 days that week). I will be in charge of my own mail, my own case, my own schedule and my own mistakes. You know how it is "it's easy to blame the sub for something". I think that the best thing is that I will be in town and not out on the ridge or in the hills during snow and ice.
ON THE HOMEFRONT (now that I am done whining, sorry about that) we are baking cookies galore around here. Jessalyn could not have her birthday party in September due to Cranfest, so she decided that she wanted a "cookie decorating party". Well, we had it this last Wednesday during a snow storm when they got out of school early. Eleven 9 year olds and one 5 year old. All decorating cookies and acting like 9 year olds. They had a good time, I guess. I lived through it, I'm pretty sure that I bit off more than I could chew on that one. Thank you God for your grace.
Thursday was Jacob's 13th birthday. He was sooo excited. He bounced around for hours. We were going to have his birthday dinner next week when I did not have to work, but I was still making tortellini on this last Thursday for him (it's his favorite). Mom and Dad showed up with a cake just for the fun of it and we ended up having a thrown together meal for him. I did not plan it, it just happened, but he still had a great time. Not everyone that we like to have for our birthday dinners was even there. Now I can't have the actual birthday dinner this next Tuesday because I have an emergency Cranfest meeting. I called my Aunt to maybe do pizza on Sunday, but I think that she and I will probably both be too exhausted. We will have to come up with plan B on that one.
We are baking cookies and breads for our Christmas gift baskets and it is not going as well as I had hoped. They keep calling me in to work. Tonight is Will's Christmas party. I am working today and then meeting him here tonight to go to that. The kids are spending the night at my parent's house. Then church tomorrow. I am going to get up early in the morning (hopefully) and make 120 cinnamon rolls for the people at Will's work and 2 dozen for my co-workers. Then church and another birthday party for Jessalyn to go to. Jacob and I are going to have some time together and make some more cookies while she is at the party.
This week is final clean up on the house getting ready for Christmas Eve, wrapping up all of the presents that have stuffed into odd places and hidden all over the house, delivering gift baskets, mailing presents out, paying bills and then it will be here! Our house will hopefully be full to overflowing with people eating, laughing and sharing Christmas Eve after a candle light service at the church. I am so thankful to be able to do this another year. We think that this is the 20th year, but we could be off a little. I just love to cook for everyone. I wait all year to see the smiles, happy faces and feel the presence of God flow through the house on that night. It is such a blessing. You cannot really understand it unless you are here. It is magic.
Well, time to go back to work.......
Have a blessed day.
Please, please, please take time to enjoy the season with your family and friends. My family has lost 2 of my cousins in the last 2 weeks. You just never know who will be next. Enjoy them while you have them.
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Seven Sevens "Tagged!"
Seven Sevens:
Seven things to do before I die:
Fulfill the prophecies that God promised for me (and no, I’m not going to tell you what they are ha!)
To become the worlds greatest husband
To become the worlds greatest Father
To become virtually debt free (virtually means I don’t mind owing some on my house because there are tax advantages. I just don’t want any other kind of debt if I can help it.)
To be content living on 70% of my “net” income (the Key word here is “content” which would be a lot easier to do if I can manage to become virtually debt free)
Write a book. I don’t care if it’s published I just want to know I wrote at least one.
To watch The Green Bay Packers Play in Lambeau Field, in December, while it’s snowing. Wait- I did that last year! Thank you again Dave Oakes!
Seven things I cannot do:
I cannot stop loving or learning about my Lord God
I cannot stop loving my wife and kids more every day
I cannot stop trying to give my family all that it wants whether they need it or not, (but I’m working on it!)
I cannot stop being amazed at how much our Great, All Powerful God, Creator of the Heavens and the Earth, takes an active role in my puny little life. The fact that He loves me and is there for me when I call; that He intervenes and looks after me; that He takes an active role in my life is completely staggering to me.
I cannot control my foot. I keep putting it in my mouth.
I cannot Save a Soul. Only Jesus can do that. I cannot even “convince” someone of Jesus’ saving grace only the Holy Spirit can do that. I can only be ready and willing to speak the Truth and share the Love the Lord has given me.
I cannot stop making big issues out of little ones
Seven things that attract me to my (Spouse, significant other, best friend etc)
The way she (Deanna) “Honors” me. Sara called Abraham “lord”; Dea calls me “Boss” as a pet name! If we’re at a buffet or potluck she will bring me a plate without my ever asking, even when her friends tease her about it she still serves me. When we’re at home and we both have worked that day still she serves me. These are a just few small examples of the many ways she “honors” me but Lord willing, I will never take that for granted; I am amazed every time she does it.
Her singing, piano playing, and her natural musical talent. It still “wows” me every time.
Her silhouette (curves!)
How tickled she gets over the littlest things, like the way I hold her hand when we’re walking in public.
She’s smarter than me but listens to my nonsense anyway.
The way she wants to take care of everyone especially the “old people” (said with much affection)
How long and hard she will work just to bring a few smiles. Whether its for a church function or the Warrens Cranberry Festival or even her own kids birthday parties she always does her best to make it the best for everyone and she really is thinking about their good time and not how impressed people will be with her for doing it.
Seven things I say most often
”I love you”
“I’m sorry”
“Lord willing…”
“Sassin’ Frassin’ Stinkin’ son of a bagel eatin’ breakfast breakin’ bread butterin’
Barnacles’ belly-button lint!”
(I had to make something up that would satisfy my frustration without resorting to cursing. It works!)
“Where’s the remote!”
“Actually…” After that there will usually be some kind of statement explaining why whatever was said before it (by someone else) may be incorrect but not necessarily. My kids do it all the time too and it really irritates me….hmmm
“Awwwwwweh!” This is actually (that word again!) a three-syllable sound used to articulate my displeasure in the form of a whine. For example if my wife were to tell me her third cousins best friends baby sitter is getting married and We have to attend, my intellectual response to this would be “Awwwwwweh!”. Understand? If this isn’t considered a word you may use “FINE!!” in it’s place. I use it the same only when I want to be much more adamant in my whine…
Seven books I love
The Bible
“Knowing God” by J.I. Packer
“The Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy” All five books in the trilogy by Douglas Adams (the books remember, not the movie!)
The Wheel of Time Series by Robert Jordan (though admittedly, the first three were really good after that they kind of started down hill, but I’m stuck now and have had no choice but to read all 11 whether I like them or not…”awwwwweh”)
Curious George! Granted not so much today but the memories I have as a kid!)
Any “Calvin and Hobbes” book! For that matter, you can put Garfield in that list as well, and Dilbert too!
Any local used or classic car sales guide.
Seven movies I would watch over and over again
Space Balls!
Independence day
Men in Black
Pick a Star Wars Movie (noticed a theme yet?)
Pick a James Bond Movie
Private Eyes (Tim Conway and Don Knotts)
Lake Placid with Bridgett Fonda and Bill Pullman
Seven people I would want to join in the fun:
Deanna Donaldson
Joel Hayes
Pete Hayes
Danny Hayes (hmmm another trend?)
John Domanski and Carolyn too!!
Betty Donaldson (you can use my site mom!)
Seven Sevens
Seven Sevens from Deanna:
Seven things to do before I die:
- find my family tree (and Will’s)
- RV trip to Alaska and back (with lots of detours)
- See the California redwoods
- become debt free
- Visit the area where Will’s parents grew up with them along to show us.
- Finish my books(all three of them)
Seven things I cannot do
- swim underwater without holding my nose
- keep a spotlessly clean house
- say no when someone needs something done
- cut up a deer
- force someone to accept the Lord, no matter what I think they should do
- stop loving my family
- stop collecting recipes
Seven things that attract me to my (Spouse, significant other, best friend etc)
- his personality
- his voice
- his morals
- his butt (it’s cute)
- his hair
- his love for God
- my cat liked him
Seven things I say most often
- for cryin’ out loud
- do it right the first time and you won’t have to do it again
- Have you ever been the Warrens Cranberry Festival?
- Hi! I’m Deanna. What’s your name?
- Hey Bossman! Would you do this for me?
Seven books I love
- The Bible
- The Mitford Series-by Jan Karon
- The Hiding Place-by Corrie Ten Boom
- Irresistible-by Catherine Hart
- Freedom series-by Anne McCaffrey
- Castles-by Julie Garwood
- The Arrows of the Queen Series-by Mercedes Lackey
Seven movies I would watch over and over again
- The Lord of the Rings
- The Twin Towers
- The Return of the King
- Hello Dolly (Barbra Striesand)
- The Three Musketeers(The old one with Michael York)
- Ladyhawke
- The Mummy/The Mummy Returns series
There are too many to name in this one as well as the books. I reread and rewatch lots of stuff. You see so much that you missed each time through.
Seven people I would want to join in the fun:
1. Will
2. Peggy
3. Amanda
4. Jenna
5. Vicki
6. Carrie
7. Dale
Thursday, December 01, 2005
Yesterday was a GREAT day!
Oh yeah, right after the kids got on the bus, I ran my car down to our mechanic's shop. It had been wailing it's misery at me for a week or two. Will looked it over and could not see anything and I was just praying that it would not be anything major. You would have thought with all of the noise it made that it would be falling into pieces in the middle of the road. I was really praying hard because who wants a huge car repair bill right before Christmas? Well, come to find out that during all of the road construction that I have been dealing with this year a rock must have flown up and bent the cover on the CV boot and it was rubbing. They fixed it quick and changed the light bulb in the headlight that had gone out during one of my trips into the ditch. The bill wasn't bad, less than $75 for everything. It would not even have been that bad but it took a little while to get to the boot because they could not find a tool small enough to fit in the space so they had to take off the wheel. Anyway, the end of the story is I'm now driving a car that is not screaming in anguish every time the wheel spins.
After our Christmas tree discussion we went into Cranfest and helped to put together 2 grapevine deer that are lighted for our winter scene in Warrens. We wired and zip-tied and wired some more. Hopefully, they will not fall apart if we have a blizzard or some such nonsense. We then set up the scene and left Gale and Lloyd to finish as we went to pick up my car and head for LaCrosse. I had mailed in my tag renewal card and check and it never reached them or else it was lost in the shuffle. Of course that meant a 1 hour trip to pay in person and a late fee. Well, we got there and the lady waived the late fee and we only had to be there waiting less than 10 minutes start to finish.
We then snuck in a lunch out at Olive Garden. Will and I hardly ever get a chance to be by ourselves and eat lunch and just sit and talk. It was so great! We enjoyed ourselves so much. We came home and stopped at Walmart to pick up the 200' of lights that he has to put up today on the Cranfest building and then it was home to get supper for the kids and Will fit in a nap. Then it was church at 7 for Bible study and youth group. Home and everyone in bed at 9:00.
It was a great day!
The best thing of all was I spent the day with my hubby. He really is my best friend and the best company I can think of. If we ever get the chance to retire, I don't think that we will have a problem being bored. There is too much to see and enjoy. The 16th anniversary of our first date is coming up and I can honestly say that I love him more today than I did then. I can also say that he has grown into one of the finest men that I have ever known in my life. I sure picked a keeper!
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
The weather did it again!
Then the next day, I went back to work on the mail route......disaster. The day after a holiday is never fun. Then when you add 3-4 inches of snow and no snow plows out things get interesting. When you add the fact that I was on the ridge driving on winding valley roads things got really interesting. At one point, I prayed myself down a huge winding hill and said thank you God towards the bottom and then proceeded to end up in a house's yard. Thankfully the man was there although he was leaving and had I been a minute later, he would have been gone. We dug the car out and rocked it until it came free and I was off again. That would not have been so bad if I had not been stuck once already and was now running about 2 1/2 hours late. The office sent another sub out to take my mail in so it could go on it's way and I continued on the route. Right after that sub left, she went into the drink, but got out. I went up another one of those wonderful hills and could not slow down on the top enough to make a corner. I went right off of the top of the hill and was headed straight for the fluffy little sheep in the pasture below. Well, I yelled (mostly in my head) "please God, I can't afford to buy another car" and suddenly I stopped. I just kind of plunked right off the road and came to a stop. There was no way to back up, but I remembered that to the left of me was an old driveway and a gate. I turned the car as sharply as possible, drove it to the left and right out of the field and out past a house that is being built and on down the road again. Worked slick. Thank God there was not too much snow to do that. I went on with the route and finished it in too, too many hours. Usually because this route is the largest in Tomah at almost 100 miles, it takes me 4 1/2 hours or so. I was out there for almost 7. I do not want a repeat performance anytime soon.
My new mail route has been delayed for a month or so. The post office reminded my boss that they cannot change a route during the month of December. So.......January seems like the new date for me to start. It will bring about a change, but I'm pretty sure that I need a change right now.
After all of that snow on Thursday, we ended up with rain Sunday and Monday all day long. Hard rain. The temperature went up to about 55. Then the bottom dropped out yesterday and we were back to 20's and 30's with snow.
My Dad, Aunt, Uncle and I went to get Christmas trees yesterday. We came back with 3 that were over 10' tall, ours that is about 9' and my Aunt's which is about 6'. There we were tromping around in the snow picking out trees. The three largest went into the village of Warrens where we had a place ready. We will decorate them with white lights and we have deer made out of grapevine that light at night to place around them. This is the start of the Christmas decorations that we hope to add a little to each and every year.
I have the menu for Christmas Eve done for this year. Only 34 different things. I picked out some odd appetizers and some old standards. We will probably have more than 45 people here this year. I am planning for around 80 or so just in case. Somehow there never seems to be all that many leftovers. Of course if any of you wanted to come there is always room for more. Ha! Ha!
Christmas baking starts today. I think I have about 22 kinds of cookies to make. That will help to fill the 17 or so gift baskets that Will and I take to our loved ones and local people that we know will be alone at Christmas time. We also take goodies in for Will's shift at work and to my Post Office buddies. None of them are picky so it makes it easy. One year we did cinnamon rolls for everyone in our church and the church down the street. We will see what happens this year, it could happen again.
Well, life at our house goes on. I am working on a study on being thankful. I had just thought that I figured it out when God threw another whammy at me and I learned that I wasn't as quite as far as I thought. We prayed and God fixed it, but it was a quicky lesson from him on the difference between knowing and KNOWING something. I hope that I have learned it now and I don't have to do that again, but I'm not holding my breath. There is a great and vast divide between knowing something in your head and knowing something in your heart.
God Bless. Please, please take the time to enjoy the holiday season!
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Thanksgiving is almost here!
Maybe the lesson to be learned here is not to get caught up in the moment to moment stuff and to look at the whole picture as best we can. Things may not be going so well now, but just remember where they were a couple of months ago and see what has changed.
I pray that all of you have a blessed Thanksgiving. May you take the time to enjoy the little things in life. May your holiday season be filled with feelings of joy. I plan this year to think more about the reason for the season and I'm going to try to make every moment count. After all, it's the memories that stay with you not the gifts. It's the hugs and love that warm you more than the plans, schemes and presents. Let's set aside this holiday time for family, friends and time spent together. Slow down and treat the holidays like a Sunday drive. You don't know where you are going, you don't know how you will get there, but oh what you'll see along the way.
Wednesday, November 16, 2005 happened
Late last week our weather was in the 60's and sunny. Last night it turned into a full blown snow storm and this morning, 30-40 mph winds are whipping the snow around like little tornados. I would rather go back to the 60's but I don't think I have any choice. I had to make a quick trip to a town about 25 miles away yesterday afternoon. It was raining. No problem, I drive in rain for a living. The storm was not supposed to hit until 7 pm. Well at 5:30 on our way started to snow. Not just a little snow shower. This was a power snow storm. Flakes almost 1 inch in diameter. While you are driving into the storm it makes you feel like you are in Star Wars going into hyper space. It is so hard to drive in that. The kids of course thought it was great and wanted me to go faster. I just wanted to get off the ride. I was so sick from motion sickness by the time I got home that cooking was a chore for me and that almost never happens. When it snows like that it feels like you are not moving, just the snow is. Too weird!
I was surprised this morning when they did not call me into the office. I expected one of the regulars to decide that today was not a good day to work. Since I will be starting my own route hopefully on the 10th of December, the regular carriers are taking as many days off as they can get away with, because they have not found anyone to replace me yet. Who knows how they will work days off then! All I know is that I will get home before lunch time everyday and I will have a set schedule.
Spring/winter cleaning today again. Will is home with a cold so I will go easy on him and let him just vegitate in the chair. My Mom and Dad (the chickens) left before the snow to go and see my brother in Tennessee. I hope they have a great time while they are there. Actually, I wish I was with them. Will and I would love to be able to go down there at least once or twice a year. It has just not worked out so far.
Well, off to go and sort more stuff. I don't think that Goodwill is going to know what hit them after I take all this junk (oops! I mean these treasures) down there. I don't know where we get some of it or even why we get some of it. I just have to sort every year and clean out and haul it out of here.
Hope you have a blessed day.
Sunday, November 13, 2005
Saturday, November 12, 2005
It feels like Monday
Yesterday was a BEAUTIFUL day in this neighborhood. It was over 60 and sunny. We went to an auction. Did not buy much but we did get Jacob this great set of golf clubs. There are 24 clubs, a water retrieval club, shoes and bag. Price $16 (Jacob's face PRICELESS!) They are so heavy that he cannot carry them all so he picked out the ones that he needs right now. The shoes even fit.
We also bought an end table and a coffee table that I am going to do a quick sand job on and restain to work with our house. We got both of them for a grand total of $7. We could use them just as they are, but I want to change the color.
Came home and worked outside in the yard. All of us working together was nice. We crushed aluminum cans (somehow they are like rabbits, put two together and suddenly there are 6). We also cleaned out the back of Jacob's truck and my car interior. It was so windy here the other day that it blew the plywood lid off of our garbage container and someone picked it up and carried it off. We spent a little time looking around for that but no luck. Someone must have said WOW just what I needed. Hopefully, it had not hit their car first.
I went to a conference this last Tuesday evening and Wednesday. It was in Rockford IL about 3 hours away. They asked people from the Cranfest to come down and teach them how to run a festival our size. Quite an honor and quite interesting. Although I think maybe someone should come in and tell them how to run a conference. It was a strange experience. They never did seem to get on the same track. I did however learn a lot from a lady that is from Texas and runs major festivals down that direction. She confirmed many of my own beliefs and that was a good thing.
We run into the "we've always done it like this before" problem. After 33 years our festival has many traditions and we try to keep as many as we can, but there comes a time when you have to give up some of those because they don't work anymore. I am hoping that she gave me some answers that will allow those changes to happen with a minimum of hassle.
She also used Bible quotations to confirm her ideas for things and that was in itself very interesting. I am not used to someone getting up and telling about Jesus leaving the flock to search for the one lost sheep and using it as a chance to tell about God's love for us. I was impressed that she did use them and managed to do so in a way that no one in the room seemed upset over it. I might have to work on that concept a little for my life patterns and conversations that I have with non believers.
Will and the kids are home together today. I hope they are all still alive when I get back. The kids are in one of their we will get along wonderfully for 20 minutes and then we will kill each other modes. Will and I just get started on something else and have to go and seperate them. When they get along they get along great. When they don't, oh boy.
Tomorrow is church (Will is speaking), fellowship, a birthday party, brats cooked over the fireplace for lunch and then Christmas decorations. Should be a full day, but I hope a good one.
God's blessings on you all. I am going to work.
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
One of the reasons that we live in Wisconsin
Last night was trick or treating for our kids. They brought their friends Kevin and Layemar. I ended up making costumes for all of them. Not my best work, but they were happy. Jacob was Darth Vader complete with a talking, breathing full head mask. Jessa was a fairy and even had wings. Getting the wings to stay up on her back was fun. Layemar was Zorro and Kevin was a Knight and carried a battle axe that Will picked up somewhere. They had a great time and came home with tons of candy. Of course Mom was terrible and made them go to bed without sitting down and eating it all. I'm sure that they think the only reason we had kids was to be mean to them. My Aunt Carrie came trick or treating. She was dressed all in pink with a shoe on her head. She was the chewing gum under a shoe. Even funnier if you remember that she used to work in a chewing gum factory.
Mom and Dad had their first halloween living in Warrens instead of the country. I think that the trick or treaters about wore my Mom out. She was at the door quite often all night.
Things are busy here with one of our regular carriers retiring yesterday. That moves me up on the roster to the top seniority position. I get the next route. They have the case up for it. They are just working out the particulars. The only problem is I'm the only sub that knows all of the 7 routes. I AM the only one that knows 2 of them. They cannot find any other people to replace me with. Makes for lots of hours for me, but causes problems for them if both of those routes try to take the same day off.
Our church family Thanksgiving dinner is this Saturday. I will need to organize that today. Then on family night the first Saturday in December, it is Christmas Caroling with the community. I am looking forward to the holidays but am not ready for them this year. Of course, I don't know that I ever am. I have my menu for Christmas Eve planned pretty much. That helps.
Well, today is catch up day here at home, if I don't get called to work. I am going to attempt to clean the kid's rooms and move some furniture. Jacob is the ultimate collector and I have to go in a muck out his room once a month. You never know what you will find.
Have a blessed day.
Sunday, October 30, 2005
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Cold and Flu Season is here.....
We have 5 of the 7 rural carriers sick. Most of them are staying home, but the ones that don't want to stay home, bring it in and share it with the rest of us. I am about the only one that is healthy around there. I know that I at least have to work tomorrow as I have every day since last Wednesday. This is good for the pocket, but boy am I wearing thin. Will is off this weekend so that will help bunches. The kids don't have school today or tomorrow. It is nice to have Will here to help get them off to school.
I am really enjoying the fall colors and cooler weather. Our nice days have stayed around and we are all thankful. I don't know if anyone is more thankful than the cranberry growers. They all had to harvest late this year because of the warm summer (the berries didn't ripen as quickly). Now it is a scramble to get them all harvested. As you sit in your warm house imagine standing in hip waders in 40-50 degree water pushing cranberries into a corner of the bog so that they can get sucked up into a truck. The berries all float because they are full of air. That means the best way to harvest them is to float them to the truck. That is really a job that I don't know that I could handle. I can't keep my feet warm now, let alone standing in waste deep freezing water all day.
My Aunt Carrie cooked me a great lunch today on the route. I love to cook, but really enjoy sitting down to a good meal that I didn't have to work for. It works out very nice having her on the one route that I have been doing. I get to get out of the truck and stretch my legs and visit with her.
Jacob joined the chess team. He is ranked in the highest category. He played a game with the highest ranked player they have on the team and actually was ahead when they had to call the game. He really understands that game somehow. He does not get that from me. I used to drive my Father and Brother crazy when we played. I don't do anything that makes sense when I play, but I still have fun.
Well, time to get kids to! That means that I can go to bed too. Woke up with Will at 4:00 am this morning and that was a long time ago.
God Bless.
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
Life's changes
I guess my thoughts about that run to how effective I have been in teaching my children about God. So much in life can be easier in the knowing of him. My Mom always told me don't do anything that you cannot imagine Jesus doing with you. I guess that is what kept me from making as many poor choices during my growing up. Compared to Will I come off as a prim and proper young woman. We all know that is the complete opposite of the truth. If there was a mud puddle to run it, dirt to roll in or a mess to make, that is what I did. BUT I guess the secret was that all of my messes did not contain alcohol or drugs. THANK YOU GOD! I hope that my children can say the same thing when they are grown. I pray that they stay away from those types of situations. So far so good.
Life still goes on in the Donaldson house. Will is taking a nap in the chair right now. He worked 12 hours yesterday picking up picture window after picture window. His muscles are pretty sore. He gets up and does a little and then rests some more. I won't push him today because I have to deliver mail tomorrow, so he can work all day without my interference. We still seem to get more done on days that we are alone. I think a good bit of that is that we enjoy each other's company so much we spend lots of time being together. Even if we don't speak we are still "with" each other. I can honestly say that I love my hubby more today than on the day that we married.
Although we love spending time together we don't work well together. We seem to have a completely different approach to work and we drive each other nuts. It's that "women multi-task and men don't" thing. He does one thing at a time and does it well. He says that I work on everything all at once and it drives him crazy (short trip).
Well, while he is sleeping, I am going to go work some more in the yard, while the laundry and dishwasher go. Have a blessed day!
Sunday, October 16, 2005
Something New!
Saturday, October 15, 2005
Where there's smoke there's fire...
We all sat around the fire and sang. It was great!
It sure is fun to spend time with people that know the Lord.
Hope you had a blessed day.
Monday, October 10, 2005
Fall clean up day....
God still is working with me on the "body of Christ" study. It seems that everywhere I turn people are talking about it. I keep finding more articles and books about it. When you look around at what is going on in the church, does it seem to you that God is separating the sheep from the goats? Our little church seems to be doing a bit of shaking itself. There really is a feeling of God's spirit in our services lately and they seem to be getting longer and longer, with no one really in any hurry to go home.
Have you ever really sat down and thought about what part of the body you are? What are your gifts? Where do they fit in with others? If we all have gifts, then they must work together in order to create the full body. Is one gift more important than another? Is one gift needed to fulfill another? It is interesting to me to sit down and contemplate how I fit into the scheme of things. Quite humbling actually.
This Friday night is a campfire cookout here at our house with the whole church invited. We usually meet for Family night on the first Saturday of each month, but this time put it off due to Cranfest. We were all too exhausted. This Saturday should be a blast! We all love to get together and catch up with what is going on in each other's lives. Family night is based on something my Aunt Glenda and her family do. On Wednesday nights they all eat at her house. Everyone that is that can make it. I'm not sure if they still do it every week or just once a month, but it was such a good idea to me. How can we be part of a "church family" when we don't know what is going on with each other? How can you offer support, prayer, insight or even share the good times, when we don't hear about them? It is a great time to invite people to church too, because they get to meet people during the fun and not feel pressured.
We try to eat together after church on Sunday with anyone who can in our family. We find it's easier in the cold months than it is in the summer.
Well, Jessa has to get on the bus and then work begins. Have a blessed day!
Thursday, October 06, 2005
Fall clean up days
Started cleaning up the yard yesterday with Will. We were picking up things here and there because it is supposed to be very windy today. Right in the middle I picked up my gardening hand rake and there was a hornet underneath on the handle. I didn't see it until he decided that I was trying to squish him and stung me. Well, after lots of benedryl and tylenol...I still cannot wear my wedding ring and my hand hurts, but I will live. I am allergic but do not have a typical throat does not close up.....wherever I get stung swells and turns black among other things. It was pretty hectic there for a minute, but I think it's all going to be fine.
We have to make a quick trip to LaCrosse today. You know it's funny. When we lived in Florida it took 45 minutes or so to get to Al and Betty's house. We didn't think anything of it. We drove to work in Tally, went to church in Tally and did pretty much everything in Tally. All after driving close to an hour and not giving it a second thought. Here in Wisconsin, it takes us 45 minutes to get to LaCrosse (our nearest "big" town) and we put it off until we cannot help but make the trip. In Florida we drove it daily. Here we drive it about every 4 or 5 months, but only if we have to.
I have to go and renew my driver's license. It has to be done in LaCrosse, because our local driver's license office is only open on Fridays. I guess that tells you how small town we are. All of our local businesses still close at 2:00 pm on Saturdays and stayed closed until Monday.
Jacob is done with golf. He is disappointed, but I think this morning when he found out what the weather will be today he was a little happier. Hard to hit the golf ball when you are shivering.
Jessalyn came out today wishing it was December, but that's because her Aunt Carrie is taking her on a "big girl's night out trip" for her Christmas present. They are going on December 22 to spend the night in a hotel in Milwaukee and go and see "The Nutcracker" ballet. She is very, very excited.
Jacob goes with Carrie the week after Christmas to The Mall of America for a weekend with Carrie, my sister Dale, her hubby Jim and their son Tommy. Jacob is excited too. I think that Carrie hit the "great Aunt" button this year. They think she's tops anyway, but I think this moves her up a few notches.
It must be cold outside.....our outside cat came in this morning, yelled at me and then went to bed in the kid's rooms. She blames us for the weather when it gets cold and hibernates in the kid's rooms all winter. She has declared those rooms her domain and the other cat pretty much stays out of there.
Time to get the second kid on the bus.....
God bless.
Saturday, October 01, 2005
The air is turning crisp
The kids are looking forward to Halloween. Jacob wants to be Darth Vader. We got him a talking mask and a light saber. My imagination will have to supply the rest. I think I will have to sew some muscles into the suit though. That boy eats more than all the rest of us combined and is still skinny. You can see his frame changing though, so I think that he will start to add on some poundage and muscle soon. He grew almost 1/2 inch in 8 days a week or so ago and I think that he has grown more since then. His typical trip to McDonalds is 3 double cheeseburgers, 1 large fry, 1 medium coke and 2 apples pies. He doesn't look big enough to hold all of that.
Jessalyn wants to be a fairy. This is usually a pretty good outfit to make except that I have to make her look like a fairy and still have her be warm in 30 or 40 degree weather. Should be fun. She is almost in 7th grade reading. They cannot keep up with her. She really is a student. She actually dances around happy when she has homework. Is that normal?
Jacob has decided that he likes golf and wants to keep on playing next year. I'm glad. The hours are tough, but season only lasts a month and a half. Hopefully he will get to play between now and then, but probably will have to wait until spring. Kind of hard to play in the snow. He didn't get to play in that last match last week because another kid broke his collar bone (they had to move the roster around). I think that he will probably play in a match this next week, but we will see what happens. He is not a fountain of information. Talking to Jake about school is kind of like playing 20 questions. He just files it all away in his mind and you have to ferret it out. I am very glad that he has taken an interest in golf. He wanted a sport to play and this seems to be it for now. I think that he wants to be on the chess team this winter too. Not sure about that though....he talks about it, but I don't know if he has decided to do it or not. Whatever he wants to do is fine with me.
Will is working on getting the house ready for winter. As for me, I am just trying to "find" the house. It kind of got lost under this pile of rubble during cranfest. Hopefully, next week we will have finished many of the jobs that we need to do before snow. Things have a way of creeping up on you.
Well time to get ready for work. Everyone is sleeping, so I will be able to get gone without disturbing them. Had to deliver phone books yesterday. Probably one of my least favorite jobs. Especially on this route. He has about 800 boxes. We have been delivering phone books for 4 days. I think I will finish today good.
God bless.
Thursday, September 29, 2005
It's time to get out the gloves
Last night was wonderful. Amanda and I cleaned out the huge storage room at Cranfest and that pretty much finished up my duties for Cranfest. There are still a few signs to pull down, but it was raining.....I was slopping around in all that water again. So anyway, we finished all the work. I came home and started doing laundry and more laundry. It was rainy and wet, so I built a fire in the fireplace. Then made a huge batch of vegetable soup and we all sat down to a hot, homecooked meal for the first time in weeks. Lately we have been doing sandwiches and easy stuff. We could finally sit down and watch TV and just chill....only there was nothing on. We just went to bed-BEFORE 8:30!
Today I am back to the Post Office for three days. Will is back to Cardinal before having the weekend off. Jacob has his last golf match and Jessalyn has pictures taken at school. Life is back to normal and I am glad.
It will be even better when Jake is done with golf. Poor kid doesn't get home until after 6:00 each night and then there is homework. He gets up at 5:30 am. Not much of a life. Thankfully next Thursday he is done. I am very proud of him for his effort on this. He may get the worst scores, but he gets high scores with me for giving it his best.
Well, time to get Jake up.
God bless.
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Take a deep breath and let it out slowly
We have the town back in order now pretty much. Amanda and I will go out and pick up the last few signs today, as well as a few little piles of garbage. Then pretty much everything will look like it did, except for the wheel tracks through the yards because of the mud. The school playground that we just paid to have reseeded and leveled will have to be done again. The ball field has already been plowed and dragged with the reseeding starting today. We will have to reseed and fertilize many of the lawns in town, but we do that almost every year for them.
Today starts normal family night again. Although, last night we did not have practice for the group I sing in and Will's group did not practice Monday. Amanda goes home today. The best thing that happened to her this week was a stray puppy showed up and her Mom said that they could keep him. Dad named him Spud as he does all dogs and since Amanda lives next to a potato farm she decided that was a good name. But Spud didn't seem to fit him so she is naming him Tater and she calls him Tate. Her Mom said to call him Cranny (Cranberry get it?) and I said she could call him Fester (Cranfest?) but we decided Tater was pretty good. I don't know if it will stick but she is very happy about it.
Time to get Jake up for school and get on with my day. Will put new brakes on both our cars yesterday, so I will have to get out and try them out before I go back to work tomorrow.
Have a blessed day.
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
The Party's over.....
Today is Monday and Cranfest is over for one more year. Friday and Saturday went well with many, many people. Marcie (my cousin) and I had reorganized how the many contests in the school gym would work and had meetings with the contest chair people. We thought that we were ready. But then last year's organizer showed up to "show" us all how to do it and everything went downhill from there. Blew us right out of the water. We have already come up with a plan for next year and I have already thanked the "helper" for her help and nicely told her that we can handle it by ourselves next year. I tried my best to make her feel good and at the same time was trying my best not to pinch her.
Thursday morning I was informed that we had to supply 15 tables (from Cranfest) to the Village of Warrens municipal building. The only problem was that we did not have 15 tables. OOPS! I begged and borrowed (I did not steal though) 15 tables from every place I could think of. Tables are at a premium in Warrens with everyone filling their churches etc with people eating.
My general flunky status held up during Cranfest...usually I am in the booth at the church working, but for the most part, not this year. We had so many things that happened that I got called to deal with that I spent most of my time in a golf cart running back and forth through the crowd. Then my golf cart died in the middle of Main Street and I was literally reduced to "running" through the crowd. It was great to meet and help so many, people. I was truly a general flunky BUT due to my position on the board I was a general flunky with power. I actually got to tell a vendor, actually two, that if they did not do what I was telling them, they were out of the festival. Truthfully, it kind of felt good to say it too! We have around 1500 vendors and for the most part they all set up and we don't hear from them. There are about 50 or so that make royal aggravations of themselves. They say they need a 20 feet long booth and then get here and want 30 feet; they don't like their neighbor or some such thing. Somehow it works out most of the time.
For the most part Cranfest was wonderful and people came in droves, bought things and ate food. Then came Sunday.... We awoke to 4" of rain and more coming down in buckets (Will tells me that it rained Saturday too, but I have no clue because my days are all running together.) We ladies at the church were the first people into town. Yuck! We got set up in the booth and the downstairs of the church and at 6:30 the calls started coming in. I was the only board member there. I arrived at one problem (walking in a rain poncho because I still had no cart) and found that the storm drains had plugged with debris...well, the only thing to do was to wade in and unplug them. The only problem was that there was at least a foot of water. Actually it was up to my knees. In I went and prayed all the way that there were no "things" lurking in there to get me. I unplugged that one and proceeded to walk all over Warrens with a garbage bag and unplugged all the storm drains. Not anything I want to ever repeat. You know something? I was standing knee deep in water and I don't think that I have ever felt dirtier in my life. Strange sensation.
Well the rain kept on and suddenly vendors started pulling out. They are under contract to stay all three days, but many decided to leave anyway (that leaves a problem to be sorted out later). Anyway, they decided to pull out and many made it, but many did not. Now we had vendors stuck in the rain, blocking aisles and generally making a mess of everything. When the sun finally decided to shine, there they were blocking all the people from the booths that decided to stick it out. We finally got them all sorted out, but the funny thing is that when all was said and done the vendors that decided to stay had great sales for the second half of the day.
At 1:00 the parade went on as planned. It was much shorter than it's normal 2-hour span due to the number of participants that cancelled, but it went on. In our 33 years we have never cancelled a parade.
One of the most exciting times for me was my "hot pursuit". I finally managed to get a cart back on Saturday evening or maybe Sunday morning.... it all runs together. Anyway, I was driving back to the school gym to help with some problem for the 30th or so time and noticed a red car trying to drive up to one of the booths through the middle of the crowd. I stopped him and had to keep telling him stop while a parking guy came to help him get to a parking area. We thought everything was fine, when here he comes around the block and back again. After this time when we chased him off, he came back and decided to park in the parade route in the middle of the festival. The parking attendants chased him off again and I went looking for the village police. Then I had to chase the guy all around and find him again, because he had taken off into the crowd again. Well, I found him. The cops picked him up and found his car full of drugs. What a hoot! All the people listening in on my conversation with the cops and the parking people were having a great time. It was like a Clint Eastwood movie! So, I have captured my first felon. David VanVoorhees was in the cart with me and I kept telling him to yell "hot pursuit", but he wouldn't. The least he could have done was make a noise like a siren.
Most of the vendors were gone by 4:30 yesterday and clean up began. We broke down the important stuff at the booth and left the rest for another day. We took everything back out of the school gym and brought it back to Cranfest to be sorted another day. We then started hauling garbage.... and more garbage.... and more garbage. Amanda and I left at 8:15. Will came home around 11:00 pm. Boy were we tired.
Today is Tuesday and I have just now found some time to write on this thing some more. I ended up working until 6:00 pm last night. Went to pick up Will, Amanda and the kids at my parent's house. We all talked until after 7:00 without realizing it. Time to hurry home and feed the restless natives again and send them off to bed. Fell asleep watching my favoriteTV show TWICE and as soon as it ended, I was out of there.
Would have loved to sleep in this morning, but life goes on. We are still working on clean up from the fest. Will and Amanda worked picking up garbage and moving bleachers etc. all day yesterday. It was our first day that actually felt like fall. Got to the high 60Âs with lots of sunshine. Today supposed to be close to 80 again. We will see.
Jacob had a golf match last Thursday. Carrie and my Mom went. They all seemed to have a good time. I guess that Jake hides behind his golf bag when the others are hitting. Probably with good reason. There is another match this Thursday again and I hope to be there. I have to work, so I will go in early. Jacob cannot remember if this is really a match he plays in or not so we will see.
Well itÂs time to go back in and clean up more mess. Then I can start on our own house.
God Bless.
Monday, September 26, 2005
I promised you pictures and you will find them below. I really wanted to show how our sleepy little town turns into this thriving mass of humanity for three days and then returns to it's dormant state. It didn't quite work out as I planned.
Friday the first day of Cranfest was absolutely beautiful and the people came. Friday is usually a good day at Cranfest but understandably not as good as Saturday or Sunday; usually that is. I had planned on taking pictures on Saturday and Sunday-which I did-but it turns out that Friday was our best day I think and of course, I didn't take any pictures on Friday.
Saturday started out nice but then it began to turn dark and started to give us a light sprinkle and mist. It wasn't too bad but you could see that the people that had been there since the morning had decided that maybe it was enough. Usually they would have stayed but I think the "wetness" of it all convinced them to leave a little sooner than usual. That night we received word that we were supposed to get between 2 to 5 inches of rain that night and Sunday morning. Their word was good.
Needless to say Sunday was a little bit of a let-down. We wound up allowing the vendors to pack up and we closed the Festival down early due to the weather. I say we wound up "allowing" because they pretty much did it anyway. They are contracted to stay whether they want to or not but so many decided to leave anyway and were causing so many problems that we pretty much gave them the "go ahead". Thankfully though it was after the parade at least. Interestingly enough, the vendors that stayed did a brisk business in spite of the weather and other vendors, at least that%